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Cornwall RFU Youth Development Days

Cornwall RFU Youth Development Days

Tuesday 25 October 2011
10:00 - 12:00
Jeff Nicholas

Written by David Chatterton
Thursday, 29 September 2011 12:19


FREE DAY of Rugby for All Year 7 / u12 Players

Through the generosity of a number of sponsors, Cornwall RFU is able to offer a FREE Day of Rugby to all year 7 u12 players.

This will be held at Truro College on Tuesday 25th October commencing at 10am and finishing at 4pm.

The day will introduce players to all the skills of the game, including handling, rucking,
decision making and game awareness.

Players will need full playing kit, boots and trainers plus enough food and drink for the day
(waterproofs if the weather is bad).

Please complete the attached form and return it to:

Dave Thomas, 16 Treverbyn Rise, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 8RA

Applications must be received no later than Fri 15th Oct. If there are any queries please
contact me on 07515 689366. No acknowledgement of an application will be sent.

Parents are welcome to stay during the day to watch the coaching.

Truro College pitches – Roundabout after Park & Ride 3rd exit (or coming from Hospital 1st exit),
down College Rd 150m, turn right (pitches are behind the Cricket Centre).



I give permission for (name) _______________________________________________

to participate in the CRFU Y7 / u12 Day of Rugby

Position (1st choice) _____________________
(2nd choice) __________________________

Club_____________________________ School_________________________________

Any relevant medical problems:-____________________________________________

Contact telephone (home) ________________________(mobile)__________________

Address _________________________________________________________________

Signed _____________________________________(Parent / Guardian)


Dear Parent / Guardian,

As part of its Player Development Programme the Cornwall RFU will be holding Rugby Days
in the October half term for players who were u13, u14 and u15 on 1st September 2011.

These will be held at Truro College on the following dates:-

U13’s (Year 8 - Sept 2011)

Wednesday 26th October

U14’s (Year 9 - Sept 2011)

Thursday 27th October

U15’s (Year 10 - Sept 2011)

Friday 28th October

Each day will commence with registration at 10am and will finish at 4pm. Cost for the day
for each age group is £12. Cheques/postal orders should be made payable to the C.R.F.U.
Everyone will be accepted, therefore there will be no acknowledgement of applications.

All days will concentrate on the development of individual, positional and unit skills,
aspects of fitness, flexibility and game awareness. Players will need full playing kit, boots,
trainers and enough food and drink for the day (waterproofs if the weather is bad).

No player is to be approached during the week to join another club. If this occurs, please
inform Dave Thomas immediately.

Please complete the attached form and return to:

D. Thomas, 16 Treverbyn Rise, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 8RA

Applications must be received no later than Fri 15th Oct. If there are any queries please
contact me on 07515 689366. Late applications WILL NOT be accepted.


CRFU Rugby Days

I give permission for (name) _______________________________________________to participate in the Rugby Days and enclose a cheque/postal order for either £12

Age Group _________ Position (1st choice) ________________(2nd choice)________________

Club_____________________________ School_________________________________

Any relevant medical problems:-____________________________________________

Contact No. ________________________Signed _______________________________

Address _________________________________________________________________


Further reading
This is a past event