Date: Friday 26th June 2015
Venue: Crowborough Rugby Club, Steel Cross, Green Lane, Crowborough, TN6 2XB
Time: 8.00pm
All Members most welcome, come along find out what's been going on and have your say
Note: If you are unable to attend the AGM and wish to vote on the resolutions you need to complete a Proxy Form [attached] and return it to the Club Secretary by Wednesday 24th June 2015.
post: Pinegarth, Ghyll Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 1ST
1. Apologies for Absence.
2. To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 27th June 2014.
3. To receive Reports from:
4. To elect the Executive Officers for 2015/2016.
5. To confirm the election of Sandy Griffin as an Honorary Vice President.
6. Audit Procedures Resolution
In accordance with Section 4A of the Friendly and Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1968 it is proposed to the members, here present, that CRFC dis-applies the provisions of Section 4 of the act, which moderates the requirements of appointing auditors and undertaking a full audit, subject to the conditions set out in Section 4A.
7. Tactical Plan for 2015/16.
The purpose of this session, led by the Chairman Graham Callard, is to share with the Members the key initiatives that we plan to deploy in the 2015/16 Season to:
8. Budget for 2015/16.
The purpose of this session, led by the Director of Finance Peter Johnstone, is to share with the Members an overview of the Draft Budget for the 2015/16 Season.
9. Meeting Closed
Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965
Registration Number 30041R Vat Registration No 996 1531 84