Dave Anderson
20 Questions?? 1 of 9

1. Dave Anderson

1. How long have you played for Dowty RFC?
6 months? Enough for 2 and a half matches at the end of last season.
2. How were you introduced to Dowty RFC?
Through Laura Conlon, your friendly neighborhood Physio.

3. Which team do you enjoy playing against the most and why?
Can't remember who we've played. Whoever it was I scored against.

4. How many tries have you scored for Dowty RFC?
I'm going for 2, though the records may show it's just the one.

5. What is your best moment whilst playing a game of rugby?
In my first game for Dowty, catching a return kick-off and barging my way through an entire pack, before being hauled down by some skinny-arse back because I'd run out of breath and needed a nice sit down.
Outside of Dowty, scoring a try in front of all the members of my family during a school match many moons ago.

6. What is your worst moment whilst playing a game of rugby?
For Dowty – tearing ligaments in my right knee and left thumb the same day I had a gig to play.
Outside of Dowty – being smeared across the turf at playing at school once in my last year – caught a high ball without realising an England U18 player (big lad) was charging at me with a 20 yard sprint start. Hit me just as I landed.

7. Other than Dowty RFC, which is your favourite rugby team?
Got to be Gloucester. I'm a bit sad the 2-pint cup of cider wasn't on offer last time I went to Kingsholm.

8. Who is your favourite rugby player past or present?
Used to like Rory Underwood when I was very young. Currently I have a lot of respect for the wrecking ball that is Billy Vunipola

9. What is your favourite food?
Steak and wedges – you may award man-points now.

10. What is your favourite drink?
IPA or any other pale ale.

11. Who is your favourite band or musician?
Tough call between Inflames and Killswitch Engage – death metal for the win.

12. Funniest Moment at the club?
Destroying my opposition at Beer Pong at the Club DInner at the end of the 2015/16 season.

13. Do you have any bad habits?
(Too easily injured??) I'm pretty disorganised.

14. Who is the funniest person at the club?
Despite Jim's best efforts, I have to say Wills.

15. Most Special Member of the team?
Jim. Again.

16. If you could attend any major sporting event in the world, what would it be?
Rugby World Cup Final

17. Do you have a Nickname, what is it and why?
Jester is my gaming handle (Nerd Alert! No I don't play Pokemon go - I leave that to Russ)
Pup – at Uni I was the youngest of the guys in my halls of residence.

18. Favourite movie?
The Shawshank Redemption

19. If you were trapped on an island with 3 members of the club, who would you choose?
Eldridge, so he can build a boat to get the hell home, WIlls to power said boat. And Brooksey, to signal either passing ships or the coast guard with messages to make sure they know that training is on Tuesday at 7 ..................I mean that we're there and would like rescue please.......

20. What fictional character do you most identify with?
Gimli from Lord of the Rings – complains a lot, competes with people who beat him at everything, but very dangerous over short distances.