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Steve Holmes8 Oct 2013 - 08:37

We are today launching a bonus ball competition in aid of our flagship youth team the U19's

U19 Assistant Manager Jack Dawes has kindly offered to run this fantastic competition.

For a £5 entry fee you have the chance to win the £150.00 prize fund.

The Rules are detailed below and are simple....

It will cost each person that wishes to enter £5 per line

You will need to pick 6 numbers, from the scale of 1 to 49, these represent the bonus ball from the National Lottery "lotto" bonus ball

You may pick the same number more than once, however, that number has to be drawn separately each time (ie should a person put the number 4 in a line twice, then the number 4 will need to be drawn as the bonus ball on separate lottery draws.

The first person to cross off all six chosen numbers will win £150. If more than one winner, then the prize fund will be split equally.

The first bonus ball draw will be on the Saturday 9th November and on every Wednesday and Saturday thereafter until a winner is found.

All forms and monies must be handed in by Thursday 7th November 2013

Jack will keep a master list of all numbers chosen, along with the relevant players name and contact number, and will check off all numbers until a winner is found, when I will contact them personally to arrange handover of the prize fund.

The Bonus ball application form is at the bottom of this article- please print off, complete and pass onto Jack Dawes on any U19 or U18 A game day.

We really do need your help , please talk to family & friends and make this fundraiser a success.

Once again, thank you for any help you may be able to give.


OUR 2013/14 U19 SQUAD

Further reading