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Lee Bennett fills managerial vacancy

Lee Bennett fills managerial vacancy

Ben Warner27 May 2014 - 10:30
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Maine Road have appointed Lee Bennett as the new manage for the 2014-15 season.

Maine Road have got their first big job of the summer out of the way, by appointing Lee Bennett as the new manager for the new season.

He joins after Chris Thomas and John Morrey resigned earlier in May, and joins from a successful Hindsford side who won five trophies this year. Previously, Bennett had managed Old Alts, also in the Manchester League.

Derek Barber had this to say about the new manager: "In the past we have tended to promote managers from within whenever possible, but although Lee is coming in to the club from elsewhere, we feel that he ticks all the boxes as far as we are concerned. He is a local lad from Sale, knows the football scene in our area very well, and is committed to our club's ethos of bringing young local players through the ranks. We are sure he will do a good job for us and we look forward to working with him".

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