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Try Tag Rugby at Rams!

Try Tag Rugby at Rams!

Paul Clark5 Mar 2015 - 19:37

The club is excited to announce that we have formed a partnership with Try Tag Rugby to run a Monday evening mixed and men’s Tag Rugby competitions.

Redingensians are excited to announce that we have formed a partnership with Try Tag Rugby to run Monday evening mixed and men’s Tag Rugby competitions at the club over summer.
Adult Tag Rugby (played by players ages 14+) is a minimal contact version of Rugby, played in the 7 a side format, but with rolling subs allowed so team sizes can be more if needed! The game is an excellent way of improving fitness, handling and footwork. Encouraging players to run at spaces not faces the games are fast and exciting. Tag Rugby can be played by everybody – men’s and women’s players, colts players, juniors aged 14+, vets, retired players, player’s partners and friends, spectators, administrators, parents, coaches, physio’s and even the kit man!
The Thames Valley league is relocating to Redingensians from it’s previous home at Kings Meadow. The league has always had a friendly and social vibe, with teams mixing together over a drink or bite to eat post game.
Redingensians first became involved with Try Tag Rugby in 2014, when the Redingensians Coach Potatoes (a mixed team made up mainly of coaches from the club with an average age of 40 plus!) competed in two summer leagues and did okay – coming third and then fourth in their leagues!
Gareth Warwick U9s Coach, founder of the Coach Potatoes says “we thoroughly enjoyed our Tag Rugby last summer. Tag is an enjoyable version of Rugby, suitable to players of all Rugby skills levels. With the club’s fantastic new club house and balcony now open, what could be better than a run-around on a warm summer’s evening, following by a cool pint out on the balcony! We hope to see more members and supporters of Redingensians get involved in the Try Tag Rugby leagues this spring and summer.”
Try Tag Rugby are running a free taster session at the club on Monday April 13th from 7pm. This fun and friendly session is a perfect chance for players who have never played Tag Rugby before to have a go and see what the game is like in a friendly and welcoming environment, whilst receiving some coaching in the basics of the sport. Players of all abilities and Rugby experience levels including complete Rugby novices are welcome! To help plan for expected numbers at this session, if you would like to attend Try Tag Rugby kindly ask you to register for the session on the Try Tag Rugby website.
Following on from the free taster session, registered teams will kick-off in the league on April 27th. Registration for the league closes April 21st.

Try Tag Rugby leagues are professionally run, there is minimal organising time and effort for you, all you have to do is get enough people together and register your team (or sign up individually and be placed in a team), Try Tag Rugby do the rest! There is no training, no refs to sort, no volunteer duties and no team coaches required. The online player management system will make managing your team easy, it notifies players of the fixtures and checks their availability for you! Results, tables and player of the match awards are all also available online the following day.

Tag is far more varied game than the other minimal contact form of the game, Touch Rugby, with grubber kicking allowed and the scrum half being allowed to score. There is a fair degree of skill needed to make tags when defending, whilst in attack good structure and running lines are rewarded. Games are 40 minutes long, providing a good workout but rolling subs are allowed if you need it!
As well as playing opportunities, Try Tag Rugby is on the lookout for referees. Referees are trained, and will be reimbursed for games covered. You have the flexibility to referee one game a night (whilst playing at a different timeslot) or become a full-time referee doing 3 games in an evening.
For more information on the upcoming league commencing April 27th or the free taster session on April 13th, and to register a team or individually to be placed in a team, visit the Try Tag Rugby website.
Gareth Warwick

Further reading