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England Rugby Grand Draw

England Rugby Grand Draw

Ian Grantham7 Nov 2018 - 14:39

UPDATE - Lots of tickets still in circulation and its not too late

Original words below but here's an update:

  • Tickets Sold ( that is collected stubs and money ) ....... £ 1227
  • Number of Books out in the Club Membership, sold or unsold, that we haven't had back yet are 397 ( x5 tickets )

That is £1985 worth still floating around! That could earn the club £1687 towards new clubhouse furniture! Please please if you still have them then try and sell them. ITS NOT TOO LATE! we have 2 weeks of selling time left so if you still haven't handed them in then do so.

At any game you can hand in at the gym reception or the bar in the club house. On a Sunday you can hand them into the food hatch. You can hand them to Paul Gilder, Clair Grantham, Rhian Roberts, Neil Grigg or any club officer you see. If you want more tickets to sell see any of the named people above.

Thanks and lets shift a few more?!


Next time you are in the club take a look around you at the furniture...The tables look as though they have been danced upon by people wearing ice-skates and its all looking very dated...because it is dated!

This year we have decided to complete the 'push' we started on last year with the revenue from a function to purchase some new tables.

Function bookings are so important to us...Birthdays, engagements, retirements etc and most importantly wedding parties which give us the most income when they occur. Now imagine you are a potential customer of the club and you come up and view the rooms before you decide. One look at our tables and you are already having a few second thoughts. Often the first taste of anything is with the eye and currently we aren't hacking that test.

This is evidenced out by our customer feedback forms we get after functions and events...Its always 'Staff and service excellent' and facilities/fixtures 'OK'. The more bookings we capture the more revenue we claw over the threshold and the more we can put into the savings to offset everything we do including desperately trying to keep memberships down!

So envelopes are now being handed out with 2 raffle books in them to each Youth player. If everyone sells their 2 x books we'll smash previous records for the grand draw. If everyone else not in youth biys a couple of books we'll be home and dry for new tables this year! See Rhian Roberts/Neil Grigg for supporters and senior player's tickets...See Clair Grantham if you are in the Youth Section and need some more.

We'd like them in by end of Jan 19. If you sell yours and want more please shout up! Some good prizes this year incl. £10k in cash. Its £1 a ticket and we get to keep 85p of it...its that simple!

The photo shows just one graphic representation of what we have been looking at (by no means agreed...just a glimpse into the possible). Imagine having some nice bucket seats and a table to sit around and relax in? ALL POSSIBLE IF WE SELL SELL SELL!

More about the Grand Draw HERE.


Further reading