Huge thank-you to Francis Baily Primary School for inviting Thatcham Tornadoes to help with their Sport Relief Friday - a school fund-raising day dedicated to getting all the children involved in various sporting activities.
Throughout the morning, 150 children from Years 3 & 4 took part in the Francis Baily World Cup Penalty Shoot-Out and it was great to see all the children supporting and cheering each other on as they took a penalty shot against one of our managers, Pete (thanks Pete!!).
Afterwards, children volunteered to go in goal to face a penalty shot from their teachers and TA's. The teaching staff won this shoot-out very convincingly!
The final scoreboard was 3 wins to Air, 2 to Earth and 1 each to Water and Fire. Well done everyone - we were very impressed with your penalty taking skills!
In addition, the Thatcham Tornadoes SPX Speedshot was in action and over 131 children stepped up to have a go, from foundation to Year 6. Fast shot was 46mph by a Year 5.
We were very impressed with the impeccable behaviour from all the children and the team spirit they showed throughout the day. Brilliant!
Many thanks to Pete and Jon for helping out during the day.