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Hellenic League Newsletter No 1

Hellenic League Newsletter No 1

John Mailer6 Aug 2012 - 07:47

Hellenic League Newsletter

Welcome to the 2012-2013 Season
There have been lots of changes since the Hellenic League Cup Finals were completed in May.
ONE club was promoted from the Hellenic feeder competitions. AFC Hinksey joined from the Oxfordshire Senior League. North Leigh re-entered their reserve team and due to the low numbers at Step 6 the FA sanctioned the club regaining their place in Division One West.
Leaving the Hellenic family are; Shortwood United who deservedly were allocated a ‘best 2nd placed club’ as there were insufficient ‘Champion’ clubs from the 14 Step 5 Competitions to fill the allotted places, though Shortwood have introduced their Reserve team into Division Two West. Winterbourne United after securing a promotion place were transferred to the Western League by the FA with the knock-on effect of reducing the Premier Division to 20 teams. Also leaving the HL was Trowbridge Town who were relegated to the Wiltshire League as bottom club. This relegation complied with the agreement with the FA and HL Feeders to relegate a bottom placed club if the facilities do not comply with the grade required. Abingdon United & Hungerford Town withdrew their reserve teams reducing membership to 16 in One West & 15 in One East. Not an altogether satisfactory situation!

Further enhancing of the Hellenic League Web Site has been undertaken and various forms are now available on-line. Every MEMBER CLUB continues to have their own web-page with the responsibility resting with Club Officers to e-mail news and match reports to the LEAGUE OFFICE to ensure posting on the Web Site. It is essential that a good flow of news and information from the clubs to the League Office continues. ALL MEDIA RELEASES & REPORTS SHOULD CARRY THE NAME OF THE UHLSPORT Hellenic League within the text.

Many clubs have kept the League Office advised of pre-season matches and results, were advised, are listed in this BRC. Amazingly a number of matches suffered weather postponements in JULY due to waterlogged pitches. Is this an omen for the season?

SPONSORS for Season 2011-2012
The headline sponsor of the Hellenic League continues to be ‘UHLSPORT’ with the most significant aspect being the extension of the sponsor partnership with the multi-national sports kit and equipment supplier have agreed and signed a contract extension to end of MAY 2016. ‘UHLSPORT has provided a range of kit & equipment at greatly reduced prices and also included Match Official’s within the offers available. The range of kit & equipment for Match Official’s has been extended and is selling well.
I can also report that ‘Bluefin Sports’ Insurance Brokers have agreed to extend their Cup sponsorship to include the ‘Supplementary Cup as well as the Challenge Cup. We, the Hellenic League wish to thank our sponsor partners for their continued support and confidence in our partnerships.
The league’s printers AM Print & Copy continue their sponsorship of the Floodlit Challenge Cup and Chairman, Bob Dalling, is once again sponsoring the Reserve Challenge Cup and the League President, Mike Jenkins is still supporting the Reserve Supplementary Cup competition.

Clubs and individuals are invited to submit news items of interest for possible inclusion in Boot Room Chatter. Please send your items to Brian King, General Manager, 7 Stoneleigh Drive, Carterton, Oxon, OX18 1EE. Please send contributions by E-mail to:

Registrations & Transfers
Neil Clarke has had a busy start to his second season as League Registration Officer, including a wedding, his own, and of course the obligatory honeymoon! Neil returned from Italy on Thursday afternoon and to find over a thousand (1000) Player Registrations awaiting him and with more arriving every day he will have a busy coming week playing catch up!

Referee’s Officer
Paul Redmond has been appointed as Referee Officer and has taken over from Ben James who has taken on new responsibilities in a newly defined post. Paul will have responsibility for appointment of all assistant referees and also referees for matches in Division TWO East & WEST.
New Roles
Paul’s appointment gives Ben James a sideways move and he has assumed the newly created Admin Officer post with responsibility for processing of Club Match Report Forms and maintaining much of the statistical data for the League.
Communication Officer
Joining the management team is Brian Kirk who assumes the newly created role of Communication Officer. This role will take on a great deal of the day to day league communication including responsibility for production and distribution of the weekly BRC and midweek result detail.

Further reading