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Subscription fees & Membership for 2017/18

Subscription fees & Membership for 2017/18

Aberdeen Grammar10 Aug 2017 - 14:42
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With the start of the season around the corner, it’s time to think about your 2017/18 fee’s. Read full details below

Hello all,
Hope you have all had a good summer so far, and you are almost ready to get back on the hockey pitch at Rubislaw next month. Club training for the very keen ones among you has already started and for those that are unaware of the time this occurs then it is presently between 7-9pm on Tuesdays at Rubislaw.

We now need you to complete and return the form attached & begin payment before the end of September, or for you to let Howard know that you are not playing with the club this season. He will be at training next week on the 15th if you want to hand them to him then.

There are 3 payment options available:
- OPTION 1: Single Payment (before 30th Sept’17)
- OPTION 2: Two Equal Payments (No.1 before 30th Sept’17 & No.2 by 1st Feb’18)
- OPTION 3: Six Equal Payments (No.1 before 30th Sept’17 & 5 further each month thereafter)

Fee’s have again been frozen for another season, as below:
- Junior (Under 18) = £120
- Students / 18 to 21’s = £150
- Senior (working, 21 & over) = £270
- Over 55’s = £170
- Country (Lives 60+ Miles from Club) = £80
- Indoor (additional) = £40

It is important we receive timely payment and have details on all players so that we can register everyone on the Scottish Hockey Union data base (important for your public liability insurance cover, as well as avoiding the club being fined, or even deducted points, when non-registered players participate in National and District league fixtures)

Much of the ongoing communication within the club is done by posts on our club website, Facebook and other media sites, but for those people not on these then emails, telephone, and text messages are still the norm. Once the seasons hockey fixtures are announced then Team Captains will send an “Availability calendar” for players to complete so that team selection is made easier. Generally, (but not always) 1st and 2nd teams will be playing on Saturdays, whilst 3rd and 4th teams play on Sundays. If you know of any other players, friends, colleagues, etc. who would like to join the club then let any of the committee or your team captains know. Even those who have “hung up their boots” or even injured can always help with umpiring occasionally!

Finally, our club is holding a preseason “Gin tasting night” (obviously for 18+’s only) on Friday 8th September. This is a social event and will be a good opportunity for everyone (both Men and Ladies sections) to meet up and reminisce about their summer exploits!

Howard Smith (Treasurer)


AGSFPHC Subs Form 2017 / 18

Further reading