1st Team
Sat 20 Apr 2019
Alnwick Rugby Football Club
1st Team
Alnwick 39 V 3 Morpeth - Northumberland County Senior Cup Final

Alnwick 39 V 3 Morpeth - Northumberland County Senior Cup Final

David Stuart23 Apr 2019 - 16:38
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Match Reporter: Gwyn Thomas

Alnwick: Tries: H.Burn, R.Cuthbert(2), S.Hutchinson, P.Moralee, J.Weddell. Conversions: J.Bird (3). Penalty: J.Bird.

Morpeth: Penalty: Hornby.

Two years ago, these neighbours met in the cup final which ended with Alnwick winning a closely-fought contest by 11 – 7. In the intervening year Alnwick lost the cup to Percy Park but gained promotion to the Northern premier where they will be joined next season by Morpeth, newly promoted as Champions of North One East.

Alnwick, having been in the top half of their league earlier in the season had latterly hit a series of defeats against the top teams but finished a solidly respectable 9th position, which exceeded the expectations of many.

A glorious day of warm Berwick sunshine with the lightest of breezes added to the welcome that the goodly crowd received at Berwick Rugby Club, who deserve praise and thanks in equal measure for the overall organisation of the event, especially the smoothly run car-parking operation, from all who attended.

The immaculate, close-cropped grassy pitch was again a credit to the club and provided ideal conditions for the idea of open rugby, which both sides espoused from the off, and, friendly animosity and bragging rights aside, there was much interest to see how the two sides measured up.

Given the historic rivalry between the sides the occasional minor squabble was inevitable and although early in the second half a couple of instances stemming from over-enthusiasm might have merited a sanction, this was a genuine sporting contest played out in the true spirit of the game and reflected by the absence of cards of either colour during the entire proceedings.

Untidy Alnwick tackling early on encouraged scrum-half Elliot to make a penetrating break following continuous quick recycling to get towards Alnwick’s 22. Moralee cleared the danger but there followed another period of sustained pressure where Alnwick, despite the referee’s warning, were caught offside at a ruck in midfield and with 8 minutes gone, Hornby opened Morpeth’s tally, slotting the penalty for 0 – 3, which, rather sadly, ended their afternoon’s scoring.

Alnwick’s response came almost immediately from the re-start when following good inter-passing between centres Hutchinson and Cuthbert the ball was swiftly moved to the right from the breakdown and Gothorp’s pass found hooker Hamish Burn with ample room to stride over without needing the two players outside him to take the lead 5 – 3, with the conversion missed.

The next 25 minutes leading to half-time saw plenty of enthusiastic action as the sides sought to gain an edge. Morpeth were industrious and workmanlike around the park with their pack using their weight well with some strong drives in the loose and giving Alnwick some minor problems in the set scrums, but Alnwick’s line speed and defence was back up to the usual high standard with some crunching tackles preventing Morpeth making much progress.

In the dying moments of the half a promising Alnwick attack through Moralee and Atkinson led to Morpeth infringing at the breakdown and Bird’s kick from 30 metres stretched Alnwick’s lead to 8 – 3 at the half-time whistle.

A basic error in the opening moments of the second half revealed that Morpeth had not fully appreciated the speed of their opponents. Naively allowing an Alnwick punt to bounce they found the chasers on top of them with only time for a hasty attempted grubber to clear. This was no help as it went to Bird who made another thumping run before the ball was moved across the backline to the right where winger Atkinson gained ground rapidly before his inside pass left Cuthbert with a clear 30 metre sprint to the posts for 13 – 3 with Bird’s conversion making it 15 - 3 with less than 2 minutes of the half gone.

Shortly afterwards, Morpeth were hustling up to Alnwick’s 22 but a wayward pass went into touch. From the line-out, Morpeth again allowed Alnwick’s clearance to bounce, although initially managing to keep possession a knock-on, saw Cuthbert chase down his own hack forward and outpace the defence to score his second try in the in the corner for 20 - 3, with Bird narrowly missing the conversion.

Alnwick will have been disappointed by the number of penalties conceded under the eagle eye of Mr. Charlton, the result of which meant defending several line-outs close to their own line as Morpeth looked to use their forwards for the catch-and-drive option. However, Alnwick’s defensive steel had been toughened in the fires of a higher league and were not too troubled.

Bustle and strive as Morpeth did for the next fifteen minutes, they lacked the guile and penetration so any limited progress was comfortably repelled usually before reaching Alnwick’s 22. Changes in possession and swift handling allowed Alnwick to switch directions with good support play sending Greer on a storming burst well into Morpeth’s half. Alnwick were required to put in a shift of serious defensive work before good forward recycling got the ball via Gothorp to Sean Hutchinson who outpaced the defence on the left flank and ran in to score an unconverted try for 25 - 3.

A disparity in class and fitness was now beginning to tell and willingly though Morpeth battled they were again turned over by a steal on Alnwick’s 22 to be undone completely by a try from 75 metres, Moralee gathering his own clearance kick and easily beating his pursuers for a great solo try by the posts for 30 – 3, with Bird converting for 3 – 32.

The Brett Silver Horse had by now surmised he wouldn’t be travelling south just yet and his supposition was proved correct when Alnwick secured the ball on the half-way line in midfield. Excellently timed passes by the backs were rewarded by substitute Joe Weddell coming up at speed to finish the movement with a classic winger’s try in the right corner for 37 – 3, Bird converting for 39 – 3 at the final whistle.

During Alnwick’s evening celebrations at the clubhouse they were delighted to receive an unexpected visit from ex-Scottish international Doddy Weir, en route to his home in the Scottish borders. A sufferer from Motor-Neuron Disease, he has twice been warmly welcomed as a witty, eloquent and entertaining guest speaker at Alnwick functions where respectable sums were raised for his charity the ‘MyName’5Doddy Foundation’. Club members were gratified by this friendly gesture and along with the rest of the rugby world wish this courageous and genial character the very best in his continuing struggle against a cruel and debilitating illness.

Commiserations to Morpeth who couldn’t quite match Alnwick’s class despite a formidable effort throughout, but they will now know what to expect weekly next season and they will surely rise to meet the challenge in the best traditions of the club.

To Alnwick though go the spoils on this occasion and merit hearty congratulations on rounding off their season in some style with this well-deserved and comprehensive win. The prospect of further encounters between the two clubs in the new season is something to be savoured alongside World Cup events during the summer break.

Here’s hoping that we may all enjoy sunny holidays before rugby calls it’s family together next autumn. Happy days!

Team: P.Moralee (Capt), S.Hutchinson, R.Cuthbert, F.Hutchinson, S.Atkinson, C.Burn,
J.Burn, B.Gothorp, J.Hamilton, B.Courty, J.Bird, J.Young, D.Clayton, H.Burn, D.Smith.
Finishers: C.Greer, O.Sutheran, W.Pettifer, H.Todd, J.Weddle, A.Robson.
Referee: Dave Charlton (Northumberland Society)

Match details

Match date

Sat 20 Apr 2019




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