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Coach Resigns

Coach Resigns

Jonathan Laverick7 Nov 2012 - 19:30
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Amagents coach Jonathan Laverick has resigned citing personal reasons.

Jonathan Laverick had coached Amagents since the end of the 2008/9 season and saw Amagents promoted as Second Division Champions in 2011.

Hired after a chance meeting between Amagents manager Karabo Letebele and his wife at the BFA, Jonathan steered Amagents to safety during the last 7 games of 2009. His first full season saw Amagents settle for 6th place, but they had one of the best defensive records in the division.

However, it is the 2010/11 season that Amagents will remember most fondly. This season saw the team extend an unbeaten run to 17 games as they won the first 11 games of the season. This fantastic start set the club up to be promoted as champions in 2011. The team collected medals in front of BTV cameras, but Laverick had already left for a well deserved holiday abroad.

2011/12 saw Amagents play in the Coca Cola cup for the first time in 8 years, but they went out 2-1 against the eventual league champions, Wonder. Although Karabo had high hopes for the season, Laverick admitted that he was happy to see Amagents in mid-table and safe in this first season at this level.

This season saw Amagents struggle to get going at they only picked up 1 point in the first four games of the season as individual errors cost the team dearly.

Laverick released the following statement:-

"I have had a fantastic four years at Amagents but I have struggled this year to balance work commitments. As well as teaching I am doing my Masters and this just means I do not have the time required.

"I would like to thank all those involved at Amagents for their support, the players and fans have been brilliant, and I would like to emphasise my leaving has nothing to do with any problems with the club or players. I just feel that this season I have not been able to give 100% and this is not fair to the players or our supporters.

"I will leave with great memories, especially the promotion season and the champagne that followed and of course my goal at UB last season. I would like to wish all the players well, we have a strong squad and I am sure they will be fine this season. Perhaps I will get the chance to return one day, I would like that!"

His record as manager was:-

* Played 89 Won41 Drawn 27 Lost 21
* Second Division Champions 2011
* Coca Cola Cup first round 2011/2

His playing record was slightly less distinguished but still set one Amagents record!

* Appearances 13 (including 12 as substitute)
* Goals 1
* The second Amagents player to score at UB stadium in the league (and the first English player!)
* Fastest Red Card - Sent off after 90s after coming on as substitute! This 90 seconds included an equalising goal and a disallowed goal before Laverick saw red.

Further reading