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Red, White & Green(er)

Red, White & Green(er)

Glyn Brazell27 Jun - 15:14
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Aston are doing their bit for the environment - by installing solar panels

To help our carbon footprint, and at the same time reduce our costs, we are having solar panels installed on both the Clubhouse and Changing Room roofs.

Following some dogged work by Ross Hart and Neil Glasby, we have secured a grant of 50% of the cost of installation via Birmingham City Council - which along with the reduction in our utility bills, means that we will see a return on the £44K investment in under 3 years.

Work commences next week, and is scheduled to finish by the first week of July.

This is the first of a number of infrastructure projects that are planned over the next 2-3 years, which are all aimed at maintaining and developing our facilities, reducing costs and/or increasing revenue - so that we have more capital available to invest in the sporting sections

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