Shirt Sponsor - Beckford JamesClub Sponsor - The White LionPlayer Sponsor - Cumberwell ParkPlayer Sponsor - M J Church


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Thank you for becoming a supporter of this web site and for supporting the club in whatever way you do.

Avonvale pride themselves on being a friendly club and hope that all supporters are made to feel welcome whenever they visit. If not, please let a committee member know and we'll do our best to put things right!

As a web site user you may wish to note some of the features this site offers:

Forum - This gives everybody their chance to state their views about anything on their mind. Obviously there are conditions of use such as remembering the club's code of conduct as well as using appropriate language but anything related to the club, the web site or of interest to other members is allowed.

Videos and photos - This area allows anybody to upload photographs and have them become part of the site. Each album is checked for relevance before being approved but old photos you may have lying around are particularly welcome so please upload them to the site for others to see.

News & events - remember to check back regularly as we are trying to ensure that new information gets published as often as possible. If you have anything worth publishing please send it to the webmaster who will try to get it added.

Shop - Not an online facility but it will (eventually) contain all the kit available to purchase from the club.

Fixtures, results & reports - These are kept as up-to-date as possible so keep checking back to see how the last game finished (or better still come along and find out for yourself).

Sponsors - these are very important to us so please take note of who our sponsors are and use them if you are able to. Please tell them you found their name on the Avonvale web site too - then they will want to continue to sponsor us in the future!