Dear Avonvale RFC, Life Members & All Members
I would like to formally invite you to attend the Avonvale Rugby Football Club Annual General Meeting 2019/2020.
Venue: Avonvale RFC Clubhouse, Bathford
Date: Tuesday 25th August
Time: 18.45pm
Minutes of last year’s AGM:
Hon. Secretary’s Report:
Hon. Treasurer’s Report:
Approval of option to dis-apply the obligation to appoint auditors (club rule
Club Captain’s Report:
Junior/Mini Chairman’s Report:
Election of Officers & Committee Positions
Current open vacancy for Vice Chairman and Disciplinary Officer (training provided)
Additional Volunteers required to be co-opted onto committee.
If you are interested in taking up a committee position all nominees,
proposed and seconded by a club member should be sent to the Hon. Secretary (Kevin Hall) ahead of the AGM.
AOB: Any other business to be issued to the Hon. Secretary at least 2-weeks prior to the AGM.
Closure of Annual General Meeting
a copy of the Clubs’ Accounts for the preceding season are available at the clubhouse
or a copy can be requested by e-mailing
NB: Social distancing will be strictly adhered for this AGM.
Yours Sincerely
Maurice Hall
President, Avonvale RFC