This year’s dinner has been arranged for Friday 2nd November. You are asked to arrive in time to be seated for 7:45pm.
The cost will be £30 per head, a choice of meal is available. Please return the slip at the bottom of the attached sheet, indicating the persons attending and your choice of meal(s), along with the necessary payment.
We very much look forward to seeing you at the dinner and are sure the evening will be as enjoyable, with awards being presented and speaker being booked. If you require any further information, you can contact Andy Wheeler on 07791 047073.
All payment details are listed below. We would appreciate it very much if the relevant forms and payment could be returned, as indicated, by Friday 12th October. We anticipate that there will be considerable demand for tickets this year and as numbers are limited, it will be done on a first come first served basis with payment up front.
Payment Details:
Cheques payable to: Barnards Green Cricket Club
Account Name: Barnards Green CC
Account Number: 41371150
Sort 40 31 09
Please return to: BGCC, North End Lane, Malvern WR14 2ET F.A.O. Andy Wheeler or email Andy on