Firstly, the club would like to give huge thanks to Rhodri Jones who is stepping down as first team captain. It’s a tough job, especially when losing most weeks and it would have been great for him to carry on next year in what will hopefully be an easier league. Massive thanks for all his efforts on and off the field.
The committee finally met on Sunday and this is a summary of what was discussed.
Barnes, Furny, Wolfy, Ed Sh, Hornby, George, Sooty and Gerry were in attendance with Rhodri sending his apologies
Hornby is doing his level 2 coaching in the new year
Barnesy kept going for a slash every five minutes due to his water tablets.
The treasurer gave us an update on club finances which have taken a bit of a dent due to Gerry finally putting his receipts in. They have though stayed steady since the AGM
There was then a discussion on fees and if they should be changed with options such as no annual subs but higher match fees being suggested. This will be ongoing and needs to be investigated properly and maybe a vote at the AGM.
Teas were also up for debate due to some heated discussion that had been recently on the whats app group. Again, this can be brought up at the AGM if needed. It was also made clear that we love our tea ladies.
The next major thing was the lack of electricity and the uncertainty still of how much it may cost. This has meant that any ideas of upgrading any ground equipment that has been causing problems has to be put on hold and we will have to make do at the moment. The Wolfy is also looking into other ways of powering ourselves.
The dinner was then discussed with a £15-pound price agreed for the same buffet as last year. A new set of awards with best batter, best bowler and fielder for each team to be decided by each captain. The main problem with the current awards we agreed is that people can’t vote for something or somebody they haven’t seen.
There will also be a slight change of format and with the hope that things will move along quickly. Jimmy is looking to sort out a bus from Cardiff. Can you please give Furny notice if you are looking to attend and any hot chicks you are bringing?
Please come, it will be a great night