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Summer Tournament 2020 - 13/14th June

Summer Tournament 2020 - 13/14th June

James Riccio27 Dec 2019 - 10:16

Online link and welcoming note below

Our Bath Arsenal Juniors Summer 2020 Tournament is scheduled for the 13th & 14th June 2020 at Walcot Rugby Club, Bath. Having run the tournament for more than 20 years we are fortunate to attract teams from Wiltshire, Somerset, Devon, Gloucester, Hampshire & South Wales. Which makes the tournament very diverse and a good opportunity to play different sides.

This year for the 2nd time we are using a fabulous automated platform which compliments the tournament brilliantly. All fixtures, news, club badges, results, tables & rules are all easily viewed on a smart phone, tablet etc.

Registration is completed online and payment can be made directly too, via paypal or BACS. Cheques are accepted too.

Once registered you will receive a passcode which will allow you to enter your players at your convenience, as well as look around the site.

The link to registration is below;


Bath Arsenal Juniors

Further reading