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U18S Progress In Midland League Cup

U18S Progress In Midland League Cup

Andy Smith13 Dec 2019 - 19:04
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Litchfield City hit for 5

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Beaumont Park U18s midland youth side welcomed Litchfield City back to Beaumont Park on Wednesday evening in the midland U18s league cup.Litchfield who are currently well clear at the top of the Western division and unbeaten this season on paper should have been a real test for the home side. With 5 players out for various reasons this gave a number of development players a call up to the next level and a opportunity to show what they had to offer.
The first half was a tight affair with Litchfield showing why they are top of their respective league being well drilled and organised. The deadlock wasn't broken till the 39th min when from a free kick Curtis popped up with the opener and take Beaumont Park 1-0 up into the break. The second half was a different story which begun with Davey scoring 2 in 6 mins to consolidate a 3 goal lead. With Pat popping up with another 2 mins after and new signing Bakary scoring a fifth from the penalty spot. Beaumont held out and kept a well deserved clean sheet to finish the game 5-0 victors.
With only 12 fit players and a number of them being from the development squad the performance was really pleasing and shows we are always willing to give players their chance to claim their place. The attitude and work rate of every player was excellent and played a key part in the final result against a very good Litchfield side.We now move into the next round against Ellesmere in the new year. A huge thankyou to Darren the Litchfield academy director
and his team and we wish them all the best for the rest of the season.
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