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Congratulations to all - Message from Club Coach

Congratulations to all - Message from Club Coach

Daniel Kemp7 Apr 2019 - 15:07
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Please share with all club players, parents, members and supporters.

Dear players, parents, members and supporters.

This season has seen a number of challenges en route to our promotion. From players believing in their own ability to getting enough numbers to training. We have united in a common goal which was to get better. Promotion came as result.

It has been a pleasure to work with so many committed and determined individuals who continue to learn to strive to become the best versions of themselves.

London 2 will bring its own challenges which the preparation for will start immediately. We have to remember that our players have been coached and been involved in some of the best rugby programmes in Kent from a young age. We should be ambitious to not only survive in this league, but push on from here.

As we grow as a club, we will challenge our youngsters, test our seasoned players and enthuse our new comers. We have a determination to be the best club in Met Kent, and the club where all players want to join for its inclusive feeling. 

In my role, I will continue to adopt the fabric of what makes Beccehamian RFC so great. All I ask in return is the support and positive words you give to the players who wear this great shirt week in week out.

For me, 2018/19 has been a pleasure and one I will remember as one of the best for growth I have seen at a club from the players to those that stand there every week and support our players. I look forward to working with all of you next season as we continue to grow this great club.

One club, one squad.

Best wishes
Dave Sia

Further reading