Dear All,
Your Club Needs You: Message from Nick Brooks, BRFC Chair
Membership Process
The new RFU regulations state all children (U6-u18) have to be re-registered by their parents every season on the RFU Game Management System (GMS). The GMS has now been reset, and parents must re-register their own children for this season otherwise they will not be registered to play at and for Beccs.
*Current members in U8 - U16*
You no longer need to complete a Beccs membership form and MUST register via the GMS! If they have moved, changed schools or any other personal details have changed since last season then this can be updated on GMS.
*Micro’s and U7’s*
You will need to send me a membership form and complete GMS.
*Academy players*
Will also need to complete a membership form and complete GMS (This is because parents need to sign the disclaimer regarding playing senior rugby.
*New members*
You will need to complete a Beccs membership form as well as complete the GMS.
Help guide -
Senior players
With the clubs new EPOS system we require all adult members to complete a membership form. Therefore if you have age grade children please complete the form attached to this email.
Minis & Juniors
Adult Section
• Senior Ladies & Mens Playing = £120 per annum ( plus £10 per child if paying full playing membership).
• Vice-President = £100 (suggested minimum donation).
• Former Player & Associate = £50
Due to social distancing, payment should be made by bank transfer to the following bank Account: 85260037
Sort code: 60-23- 22
Reference: please put your surname and your oldest child’s age group.
However if this is not possible please contact me on the below email address.
If you have any questions please email me at
Kind regards, Cheryl Reid
Beccs Membership Secretary