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Your Club Needs You

Your Club Needs You

Nick Brooks17 Aug 2020 - 15:32

News update with whats going at the club as we continue to beat the pandemic !!

It may be the off season and with no return to competitive rugby in sight, Beccs cannot and will not stand still and be left behind. We are currently in good financial health but will need to maintain a steady income to stay afloat.

As you will all appreciate the clubhouse itself requires revenue to keep it running and we still need to pay for rates, rents, TV services, internet services, gas, electricity and water, insurance premiums, membership fees such as affiliations, and our club coach who continues to provide an excellent coaching service.

With no real income from the bar due the COVID-19 lockdown meaning the clubhouse is closed, our income is currently limited to the subscriptions that we all pay. It is now critical that all our members continue with their membership payments preferably on a standing order, and for those who pay by other means annually perhaps by cheque, credit card or cash, if you could pay your subscription as soon as possible after September 1st when subscriptions become due, it would greatly benefit the club and allow us to keep the clubhouse running.

Luckily we have been given some payment holidays and with some cost reductions achieved by changing supplier for the internet, utilities and clubhouse insurance, we continue to run a tight ship.

Before the lockdown we were planning to increase the membership subscriptions as these have not been adjusted in many years, so the good news is that these rates are not increasing and you can keep your membership fees the same as they are this season.
Some changes you will see to hopefully everybody's benefit are that there will be some touch rugby events organised involving everybody, we are considering running these on a weekly Saturday morning in a competition as allowed by RFU guidelines. We hope that in due course we may be able to play some sort of touch rugby against other local clubs too.
We are also planning on creating a club newsletter updating members on the ongoings at the club and offering all members the opportunity to contribute with content. We will also continue to open the clubhouse bar on Saturday afternoons for as long as it is financially viable to do so which means we need our members to attend when they can.

Off the pitch and with many thanks to Jak Lipka, we have acquired a refurbished kitchen which will be installed shortly giving us a much needed modern kitchen that befits a club such as ours. Also there is a considerable amount of work being undertaken at the clubhouse to overhaul the gas and electrical components many of which date back a long time and are required to bring us into line with the 21st century clubhouse we aspire to. During this time please bear with us as there will be disruption. The new membership EPOS system is now in place and membership cards are being prepared so that you can benefit from club prices at the bar as well as using the system to pay for other club related activities.

Please continue to be safe and sensible during this difficult period caused by the pandemic.

See you all soon.


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