Supporter Code of Conduct
All supporters must read and agree to follow this Code at all times. When you purchase ticket from the Bedford Town Box Office or pay for your attendance at the turnstile, you are agreeing to follow this Code of Conduct. If you have purchased tickets on behalf of others, please make sure they have also read this Code of Conduct.
Bedford Town Football Club’s Code of Conduct is designed to help create a safe and enjoyable environment at The Eyrie and to protect you and your fellow supporters. To assist club staff, please take the time to know what is expected of you prior to your visit. If you do not comply with this Code, you may be denied entry or asked to leave the stadium; and in some cases, refused return entry.
If you witness any poor behaviour which calls into question behaviour in line with our Code of Conduct, please report it to the nearest steward or staff member who will take necessary action. Thank you for helping us to ensure that The Eyrie continues to be a safe and welcoming venue for all supporters to watch and enjoy football. The following measures could also now apply to the parents or guardians of children involved in such activities.
We will NOT tolerate:
- Chanting, singing or shouting indecent or racial songs
- The use of insulting, abusive or racial language
- The use of indecent or insulting gestures
- Throwing objects at players, officials or spectators
- Any behaviour that is likely to offend or endanger players, officials, other spectators, or themselves
- The possession of, or use smoke bombs or any other pyrotechnics. [Criminal offence under the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc) Act 1985]
- The throwing of missiles of any description
- Spectators taking any glass drinking glasses or glass bottles outside the bar areas
- Vandalism or graffiti on any part of the Club’s property
- Encroaching onto the field of play
- Climbing any buildings, walls or fences
- Failure to adhere to directions given by Bedford Town FC officials
- Interference with any matchday official during their duties
- Parking in such a manner as to block traffic movements around or into the ground, or disrupt emergency access
- Spectators entering any area designated only for officials or players, unless they have previous permission or have been instructed to do so by a Bedford Town FC official or in the event of an emergency
Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in the following action(s):
- Ejection from the ground
- Receiving a ban from attending future matches at The Eyrie
- FA disciplinary action, including fines to Bedford Town Football Club
- In some cases, you will be reported to the Southern League and may be banned from other PitchingIn Southern League, Northern League & Isthmian League clubs
- In extreme cases, you will be reported to the police for further action o be taken by the authorities

Love Football. Protect the Game.
Thank you for your support.