Sponsor the Club

We are greatly indebted to our sponsors and advertisers who give so generously to support both senior rugby and youth development.
If you would like to become part of the winning team of sponsors and advertisers please contact admin@berwickrugbyclub.co.uk


Sponsor a team, player or match ball.
Advertise in the match day programme.
Advertise your company on touchline banners.
Take part in our Development Lottery.
Sponsor Mini or Midi day tournaments.
Take a table of up to 10 for lunch on a match day.


Entertain corporate guests at home matches.
Receive tickets for international matches as part of your club membership.
Tap into our extended club family of some 3000 people.
Establish your image with the community.
Establish your image with the rising leaders of the younger generation.
Take the opportunity to reach the Community’s professionals and opinion formers.
Increase your community PR by appearing in the local and regional press and radio.
Why Not Become a Member?