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Match Report: BIGGLESWADE TOWN 4 v WARE 1  By Mike Draxler

Match Report: BIGGLESWADE TOWN 4 v WARE 1 By Mike Draxler

Craig Deans2 May - 20:15
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Match Report: BIGGLESWADE TOWN 4 v WARE 1 By Mike Draxler

MIKE DRAXLER 27-04-2024

Yes, the dream became reality as a nervy start from the Waders turned to confidence in the second period to make the Waders worthy CHAMPIONS of the Southern League Central one division.

The anticipation all week on the final game of the season, a last 90 to either win or draw to secure top spot. A full-strength side from Biggleswade and Ware who were looking to secure a third-place play-off slot to secure home advantage. The Waders started the quicker and looking for an early celebration but nerves kicked in as the Ware goal remained untouched. Having not read the script Ware went into the lead on 19 through Theo Ofori after a ball was not cleared early enough with Ofori taking advantage. Now was the time for Biggleswade to show their true spirit. The ball went close, even rattled the bar but did not shake the net. 0-1 at the break.

After the break with just a mere 45 to prove their worth Biggleswade pressed Ware back further and further. With a change round on 56 on came Rohdell Gordon to replace Sam Willis, Keiron Forbes dropped into the back line to give a master class in spraying the ball around. The first from Luke Andrews on 64 was Ware not clearing their lines as the Langford Road Stadium erupted at the score. 5 on and JJ Lacey fired in a free kick from just outside the box to start the anticipation. Only 2 minutes onwards and Lacey broke from the pack to lob the keeper to ramp up the excitement at 3-1. When "Our Arri" fittingly finished off the scoring on 81 the game was done, Ware offering nothing against a rampant Waders. Celebrations started, the players, management and all the Staff at Biggleswade Town plus of course our very own "Green Army" jubilant after a long season of will they wont they? All came good and we are back where we belong at level 3.

Last report of the season, enjoy your summer and see you back at the Langford Road in August.

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