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Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 - 22nd June

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024 - 22nd June

Tim Marshall7 Jun - 18:40
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All you need to know about our upcoming AGM...


As we’ve mentioned, the club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming up on Saturday 22nd June.

It’s on the same day as the End of Season Dinner (don’t forget to give Ben your meal choices by the end of this week!) but in a change to what we originally announced we will now start the meeting at 6pm at the Village Inn, giving us a bit more breathing space between the AGM and the dinner.

For those who haven’t been to the AGM before, this is where your current committee review the past season and look forward to the next one, but it’s also the time when you as members elect and stand for the next year’s committee.

This club is run by and for its members - YOU - and so we encourage you to run for positions on the committee. We know you’re motivated, we know you have skills, and we know you care about the club, so please consider joining the committee and helping Bulls write its next successful chapter.

Please be aware that in order to VOTE or to STAND FOR ELECTION, you must be a club member (player or supporter) and you must be up to date on your club subscription payments (honorary members excepted) - this will be checked at the meeting.

Also, in order for the meeting and elections to be valid, we ask all members to attend if possible; if the AGM is not quorate (i.e. if we don’t have enough people to satisfy the club’s constitution), we cannot go ahead with the meeting.

Attached to this post is a brief guide to the committee roles available and what the responsibilities are. We’ve also noted who currently holds each role so you can ask them more if you’re interested in the role.

If you’re interested in standing in the elections, please send a manifesto, stating the role you wish to apply for and a summary of why you would be the right candidate, to and no later than 5pm on Friday 14th June.

We will publish all candidates’ names and manifestos in an AGM info pack, distributed via Pitchero, prior to the meeting so you can see who’s standing for election and why.

In the interests of keeping the meeting short, we won’t be requesting candidates make speeches at the AGM but we will allow the members present to ask candidates questions. In the interests of fairness, if more than one candidate is standing for a role then questions will be addressed to all candidates and each will have the chance to give their answer.

Voting is done on paper by secret ballot. For each role you have one vote, and the candidate with the most votes is elected. If you aren’t satisfied with any of the candidates for a given role, you also have the opportunity to vote for RON - Re-Open Nominations. If RON wins an election, we will call for new candidates to be nominated for that role.

Votes will be counted and checked at the meeting so the successful candidates can be notified on the day.

If you aren’t able to attend the meeting, we do ask that you send apologies so we know not to expect you; you can nominate another club member who is attending to be your proxy and vote on your behalf. If this is the case, please email Tim at with the name of your nominated proxy.

If you have any questions about the meeting, please feel free to email a member of the committee or speak to them after training.


AGM 2024 - Committee Positions

Further reading