Sponsorship Opportunities
Board Sponsorship
Our big boards (16ft x 4ft) are £1500 PA. Minimum of 3 Years contract. For the first year we cover the cost of the creation of the board. If the design changes after year one, the cost of the creation of this change is down to the sponsor.
Our medium boards (32ft x 2ft) are £1000. (Although various sponsors double up on that length). For the first year we cover the cost of the creation of the board. If the design changes after year one, the cost of the creation of this change is down to the sponsor.
Our small boards (16ft x 2ft) are £500. For the first year we cover the cost of the creation of the board. If the design changes after year one, the cost of the creation of this change is down to the sponsor.
We also have board sponsorship available on the Gallagher Training Pitch, which comes at a cost of £350 PA.
Programme Adverts
We produce a 48 page programme for all 1st XV games through the season which is also provided to other team supporters and at other functions through the season. Full pages are priced at £500 + VAT & half pages at £250 +VAT.
Full Match Sponsorship
We offer a hospitality package which consists of being the main match sponsor. Please contact Madison at info@brufc.com for more details.
Match Day Sponsorship / Match Ball Sponsorship
We are delighted to offer Match Day Sponsorship at the cost of £250 per game or Match Ball sponsorship for £150 per game.
Player Sponsorship
We offer the ability to sponsor a player of your choice (if not already sponsored) from any of our XV teams. Your logo will appear next to the Players Profile on the website and also in the Match-Day Programme. Your logo would have a hyperlink to connect straight to your website, if you have one and further PR would occur on matchdays within the clubhouse. Any Match Day Photos where action shots of the player you sponsor are shown, your business will be tagged if your Facebook Settings allow this. This also includes £150 to your sponsored player, which is to be spent on their stash bundle for the season. This is available at the cost of £250.