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Brickfield Rangers Girls Begin Trials at Everton Ladies Girls Academy

Brickfield Rangers Girls Begin Trials at Everton Ladies Girls Academy

Ben Roberts12 Sep 2016 - 20:00
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5 Lucky Brickfield Rangers Girls begin their Official Trials at Everton Ladies Girls Academy this evening in fine fashion.

Amazing news just in as 5 Brickfield Rangers LFC Girls Under 10's players began their official Trials with Everton Girls FC tonight at the Everton Girls training Academy centre.

Holly, Nancy, Ellie J, Kya & Ellie S all had trials this evening after being asked back after playing in a trial match 2 weeks ago against the Everton Girls Under 10's which cemented a new relationship between both Clubs that we hope to expand upon every soon. Every single one of the Youngsters this evening showed their talents to the Everton Coaches where they competed against 18 other budding trialists and they really looked impressive.

This is brilliant news for the young girls & Brickfield Rangers Girls Section goes to show that much talent is now developing at our club thanks to our team of coaches who continuously work hard during their spare time, voluntary, in aid of trying to develop the young girls of our Wrexham community in hope of creating future footballing opportunities.

Director Of Female Football Stephen Jones ecstatically declared this evening " What an achievement that these girls have gone to obtain by achieving further trials at a top level Girls Outfit. Each one of these girls parents must be ever so proud just as we are of them at the club. This amazing news goes to show the potential that the Brickfield Rangers Girls Section has and the importance it has to the female game around the Wrexham Community. Well done girls & Well done to the coaches who continue to develop & engage with these girls on a weekly basis. This is Massive news and a great start to a great relationship between us & Everton"

Well done girls & Thanks must go to all the parents who continually send your daughters to us at Brickfield each week. Your doing our club & town proud.


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