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Brickfield Rangers Youngster Earns Trial at Manchester City

Brickfield Rangers Youngster Earns Trial at Manchester City

Ben Roberts14 Aug 2016 - 16:00
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Young Jamie Evans earns a Trial at Manchester City

Brickfield Rangers want to congratulate & wish all the best to young 4 year old Jamie Evans this evening as he has been asked to go on trial at Manchester City after being spotted playing for Ben Brands & Keith Purnell Brickfield Rangers Under 6's.

Jamie has been a regular for over 4 months now at our BR in the Community's Social Inclusion Futsal sessions ran by James Dimmick & our Tuesday evening Brickfield Rangers Under 4 section.

This is great news for the club as it is showing that our team of coaches are doing an excellent job and its great news for Jamie's Dad Dave Evans & Family.
We wish Jamie all the best & good luck.

If your son or daughter is interested in getting involved with Brickfield or any of our sessions then contact me direct as we would love to accommodate your child's needs.


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