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P(l)aying it forward: for us, access to community sport is a team effort

P(l)aying it forward: for us, access to community sport is a team effort

Larna Mewett-Mayer20 Aug 2024 - 12:43

At Brighton Rogues we believe that everyone who wants to play in our hockey team should be able to, regardless of financial circumstances.

All applications are assessed confidentially and sensitively according to individual need.
- Bex - CoChair

We all know that regular participation in sport or other keep-fit activities is good for our physical and mental health. However, life sometimes seems to conspire against us. Who hasn’t looked out of the window on a cold, wet winter evening and found it a struggle to make it to Pilates? How many of us cancel plans because we haven’t even had time to wash our gym kit? Who else has hit snooze rather than bounce out of the bed and head for an early-morning run?

And who among us has looked at our bank balance and decided we have to give it a miss this week?

Hockey is a wonderful team sport – it raises your heart rate, builds your confidence, and provides lots of opportunities to hit a ball really, really hard. In an ideal world, absolutely everyone would be able to play hockey and cost would never be a barrier. This is what Brighton Rogues are aiming for, and this is why we started our Play-It-Forward fund.
So why ‘Play-It-Forward’? Anyone – a current or ex player, an individual supporter, or a business – can contribute to the fund. Any size of donation is welcome. £10 will cover someone’s match fee, while £150 will cover a full season of casual membership.
Any current or prospective Rogue who is worried about meeting the costs of attending training and matches can apply to access the Play-It-Forward Fund. This includes (but is not limited to) any player who is on a low income, has caring responsibilities, or who has had a financial set-back (eg, redundancy). All applications are assessed confidentially and sensitively according to individual need.

We at Brighton Rogues are committed to sharing the brilliant sport of hockey with as many people as possible. While we can’t wash everyone’s kit or make the sun shine on match days, we can help out with membership and match fees for a Rogue who is feeling the pinch – thanks to our Play-It-Forward fund.
· If you wish to donate to the BHRC Play-It-Forward fund, please get in touch with us
· If you are a current or prospective Rogue and would like to speak to someone in confidence about the Play-It-Forward fund, please reach out to one of the Co-Chairs

Further reading