Once again BARFC set off on another epic end of season tour, this year the venue has been set and it will be in the wonderful Ukraine.
Outbound: Thurs 29th March (2 flights at 07.00 or 08.50 arriving at 12.15 or 14.00)
Return: Sunday 1st (13.20 or 15.55 arriving back into LHR at 14.50 or 17.25)
Hotline tickets currently £160, get onto one of the BA members of staff as they are going quick.
We will be playing a match against local opposition on the Saturday (bring thermals!)
Cocksy has block booked rooms at Lybid Hotel Kiev, 1 mile from the city center.
Interesting facts about Kiev and Ukraine:
Largest state in Europe (nearly same size as Texas)
The centre of Europe is located in the Ukraine
Kiev has the deepest underground in the world
Beer price in Kiev is 62p on average
They wear their wedding ring on the ring finger of their right hand instead of their left hand.
Kiev has the shortest main street of any city.
They speak both Ukrainian and Russian.
Christians are forbidden from playing cards, it's considered gambling.
Put carpets on walls
Dislike russia
Use a sour cream a lot in meals... and onions..
Call cousins their brothers and sisters
Don't whistle in the house, sit on the corner of a table (if single), and spit over our left shoulder if you are jinxing yourself.
Talk for an hour at the front door when leaving someone's house.
Hit someone with a branch of pussy willow (kotyky) in a fit of a religious favor (on Easter)
Have curtains hanging across every doorway
Make alcohol at home
Looking forward to it already!!!!