Safeguarding Children
Let's make football safe - not sorry
Creating fun, safe football environments is central to safeguarding children.
Most children and young people have a fantastic experience through football – but sadly, some don't.
This might be down to over-competitive parents and coaches shouting and constantly criticising them from the sidelines – the kind of behaviour that the Respect* programme is designed to address. Or it might be due to some other kind of abusive behaviour towards them.
Safeguarding Children is everyone's responsibility and having welfare officers in all clubs and leagues with youth teams is crucial to The FA’s simple three part approach to safeguarding. This includes:
• Getting the right people involved – carrying out references and CRB checks
• Creating a safe environment - codes of conduct, education and best practice
• Promoting clear systems - to deal with any concerns - policy and procedures.
*Respect is The FA's programme of activities to combat unacceptable behaviour in football - on the pitch and from the sidelines. Agrressive parental behaviour is one of the main reasons why young players drop out of the game. Find out what you can do as a Welfare Officer to ensure 'Respect' is part of your club and league.