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Cup Semi-Final 1st March 2014

Cup Semi-Final 1st March 2014

User 1470627 Feb 2014 - 15:47
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Information for the Game

Our formation will remain as it has been recently. The line up has a few enforced changes as Mike Stevens is away and Phil and Lee are cup tied.

I still think we have a lot of energy and pace about the side and need to utilise this. Our newer way of playing out the back relies on discipline in terms of holding shape, trusting each other even under pressure and using the keeper as pivot to keep opening options.

Have a read and look at the attached document prior to arriving Saturday.

I'm a firm believer you only ever get what you deserve in football, there can't be any sob stories if we lose, it wont be the referee or linesman's fault. if we play to be the best of our ability with the right attitude the result will take care of itself. Make sure each of you are properly prepared and ready not to let the side down.

Belief is key.


Cup Semi-Final Information

Further reading