HH (Camelot) RUFC Constitution Rule 6
Vice Presidents & Honorary Vice Presidents
The appointment of Vice Presidents and Honorary Vice Presidents is the exclusive gift of the Executive Committee.
Vice Presidents
The Club honours its good serving members by inviting them to become Vice Presidents. Nominations for the election of Vice President shall be made by two members in writing to the Executive Committee. Appointment will be ratified at the earlier of the AGM or EGM.
Eligibility criteria
10+ years coaching
5+ years Senior Captain
Outstanding club assistance and/ or meritorious achievement (5 yrs min service)
Be a member of good standing
Annual Subscription: £45
List of Vice Presidents
Mr | Christopher | Bloom |
Mr | Tony | Bose |
Mr | Alan | Chowles |
Mr | Paul | Clark |
Mr | Robert | Coe |
Mr | Dean | Edwards |
Mr | Thomas | Fletcher |
Mrs | Audrey | Gavigan |
Mr | Stuart | Gavigan |
Mr | Michael | Green |
Mr | Gordon | Harland |
Mr | Terry | Hathaway |
Mr | Pat | Herlihy |
Mr | Nick | Hoyes |
Mr | Julian | Hughes |
Mr | Stan | Hunt |
Ms | Nikita | Jackson |
Mr | Peter | Jeffrey |
Mrs | Vikki | Jolly |
Mr | Michael | Kingham |
Mr | Kim | Knight |
Mr | John | Knowles |
Mr | Lesley | Long |
Mr | Chris | Lovesay |
Mr | Jason | Lowde |
Mr | Simon | Lowe |
Mr | David | Martin |
Mr | Carl | McGinnis |
Mr | Michael | Nunn |
Mr | John | O'Brien |
Mrs | Claire | Orriss |
Mr | Darren | Perry |
Mr | Martin | Proctor |
Mr | Robert | Skinner |
Mr | Nigel | Snelson |
Mr | Alastair | Taylor |
Mr | Andrew | Thompson |
Mr | Paul | Thompson |
Mrs | Ruth | Topping |
Mr | Chris | Topping |
Mr | Gwyn | Williams |
Mr | Nick | Wilson |
Mr | Richard | Woodard |
Mrs | Sue | Woodard |
Mr | David | Woodard |
Mr | Robert | Woodard (decd) |
Mr | Timothy | Wynne-Jones |
Honorary Vice Presidents
The Club honours its greatest serving members by inviting them to become Hon Vice Presidents. Nominations for the election of Hon Vice President shall be made by two members in writing to the Executive Committee. Appointment will be ratified at the earlier of the AGM or EGM.
Eligibility criteria
20+ Years Club Service (e.g. coaching, club officer etc...)
Outstanding club assistance and/ or meritorious achievement
Be a member of good standing
Annual Subscription: Exempt
List of Honorary Vice Presidents
Mr | Ben | Allen |
Mr | Richard | Beer |
Mr | Tim | Bonfield |
Mr | Tony | Browett |
Mr | Nick | Brown |
Mr | Jon | Clapham |
Mr | Peter | Gooding |
Mr | Richard | Graham |
Mr | Tony | Impey |
Mr | Andrew | Jackson |
Air Cdre | Noel | James |
Mr | Paul | Maddison |
Mr | Antonio | Massa |
Mr | Robert | McClement |
Mr | Peter | Raymond |
Mr | Andrew | Rickett |
Mr | Charles | Teuma |
Mr | Adrian | Wakefield |
Mr | Michael | Waterhouse |
Mr | David | Young |
Mr | Joe | Weed (decd) |
Mr | Andy | Adams |
Mr | John | Bartholomew |
Life Vice President (Category discontinued)
Mr | Andy | Adams |
Mr | John | Adams |
Mr | John | Bartholomew |
Mr | John | Croker |
Mr | Roger | Emery (decd) |
Mr | Bernard | Francis (decd) |
Mr | Paul | Frost |
Mr | David | Furnell |
Mr | Dennis | Hagan |
Mr | Brian | Hines |
Mr | Roy | Holby (decd) |
Mr | Peter | King |
Mr | WJ | Lewis |
Mr | Robert | Parsons |
Mr | Gwyn | Pritchard (decd) |
Mr | Roger | Reissner |
Mr | Gwyn | Rowland (decd) |