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Patrick Burke7 Aug 2020 - 09:54

The Club today issues a risk assessment and guidance for future fixtures at the Prabhu Ventures Ltd Arena

Cammell Laird 1907 today issues a risk assessment and guidance to be applied for all fixtures played at the Prabhu Ventures Ltd Arena.

The risk assessment is as follows:

A Covid-19 risk Assessment has been carried out at these premises and the results shared with all volunteers and committee involved.

Club stewards and volunteers will be expected to wear protective equipment and carry sanitizer with them and provide support where required.

A track and trace protocol will be in place for all attendees at every fixture and visiting teams will be advised in writing before each fixture.

All visiting teams MUST comply with the guidelines set in place by the Covid-19 officer and provide a point of contact to ensure rules are complied with.

All volunteers and attendees MUST ensure they abide by the guidelines set in place.

No more than six (6) persons may enter each changing room at any one time and must use sanitizer. (In accordance with NWCFL rulings).

Showering facilities are not to be used until officially endorsed by the NHA (National Health Authority) and when they deem it possible.

ALL substitutes will be asked to sit in the stands - complying with social distance.

Only two (2) management and the team physio are allowed in the technical area throughout a fixture.

NO handshaking to take place between teams or match officials, but fist bumps or elbow touches are allowed before and after fixtures complete.

Three (3) sanitized match balls will be provided for the match officials before kick-off.

The match officials dressing room will be sanitized before and after every fixture.

Goalposts and corner flags will be sanitized before fixtures commence, at half time and at the conclusion of fixtures.

Team physios will sanitize their equipment and defibrillator machine and wear required safety clothing.

Substitute boards can only be used by one member of the management team and sanitized after use.

Seated areas will be clearly marked for use and all present are asked to abide by the guidelines provided.

The use of toilet facilities will be at an individual’s own choice, but sanitizing of hands and social distance will be required.

Hospitality will NOT be provided at the ground or after the fixture is completed until official guidance is provided by the NHA.

Covid-19 Officer - Mr T Potter


Cammell Laird 1907 FC have cleaning, hand washing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance present at the ground.

Cammell Laird 1907 FC have taken all reasonable steps to inform all players and visitors about the requirements at the ground.

Cammell Laird 1907 FC have taken all reasonable steps to ensure all visitors maintain a 1+metre distance whilst at the ground.

Signage has been placed at strategic points around the ground to ensure everyone is fully informed of requirements.

Where people cannot be 1+ metres apart, Cammell Laird 1907 FC have done everything practical to manage transmission risk.

All visitors MUST abide by the track and trace procedure and provide necessary information before entering the premises.

All visitors are advised to wear face masks and protective gloves for their own wellbeing.

Covid-19 Officer – Mr T Potter

Amended on 17 September to reflect new government rulings. The above is correct and must be adhered to at all times.

The official Word document version of the risk assessment can be found *here*.

Further reading