Want to play the fastest team sport in the world?
Well you can.....
The Chelmsford Ice Hockey Academy now runs a learn to play session every Thursday from 5:30pm to 6:00pm.
The course is run by English Ice Hockey Association registered coaches and teaches the basic skills required to play ice hockey and potentially gain entry into the Academy system.
The course is in 4 week blocks with a 1 week break with no session between blocks. The first session is free and is used to determine if the child is able to meet the skating standard required for the course. Children must be able to skate confidently unaided to attend the course. Ideally they would have attained NISA UK level 4 skate grade.
The learn to play course is open to both boys and girls up to the age of 10 (dependant on spaces within appropriate teams)
For more information please see our FAQ section on this page.
For further enquiries please email learntoplay@chelmsfordiha.co.uk