Dear all
Wow - what a turn out on Sunday and what fantastic weather to boot!
We often say "If it isn't raining, it isn't training". Well that certainly qualified as training and hopefully everyone has dried out. It is a reminder, though, that as the mornings get colder, more layers of clothing are needed (and not just for parents standing and watching). We do try to keep everyone moving all the time, but please make sure everyone is well wrapped up against the cold.
For those newcomers - welcome to the club. I hope you all enjoyed it and we'll see you again on Sunday. This Sunday will be the last training session before we play our first tournament at Barnet, so we will be working on a few things within the game environment. I have attached the fixture list (updated since I last sent it out)
For the Barnet tournament, we will be taking four teams made up of squads from 4 to 8. The idea will be to give as many as possible as much game time as possible. I'm still in negotiation about the format, and will let you know ASAP. However, as a starter, it will run from 10:00 to 14:00 and there will be a bar and BBQ on the go. Other than that, I can't tell you anything, as it didn't take place last year.
Finally, thanks also to the new coaches. Brad, Chris and Stuart will all be helping out now when available, along with myself, Mike, Mike, Iain and Rob. However, given that we had 36 training on Sunday, we could always do with more. No experience is required, just enthusiasm. And it is much warmer running around with the kids than standing watching! Please get back to me ( , or just bring your boots along on Sunday.
See you on Sunday