A Consultation Event for the proposed New Stadium Facilities and 3G Pitch Installation for Cinderford Town Football Club at The Causeway, Edge Hills Road, Cinderford will be held on Thursday 14th December 2017.
A display of the outline proposed scheme including an enabling residential application for the adjacent field owned by SGS Academy Trust, the academy operator of the Forest High School will be available to view at the event.
Specifically, the drop-in exhibition event will be open from 11.00am to 9.00pm in order to view the proposed development which is being discussed with The Forest of Dean Planning Officers.
There will be an opportunity for you to discuss this with myself Stuart Tait as the Chairman of Cinderford Town AFC and Nick Killeen a Director of Bryan Robson Sports, the Clubs Professional Advisors, along with a representative from the SGS Academy Trust.
A pre-application has been made and the club will be looking to progress with a full planning application in early 2018.
As part of the planning for the proposed development, Cinderford Town AFC are keen to consult on the scheme in order to allow members of the public to view the proposals and provide feedback and comments.
We would welcome your comments with regards to the proposed development. You can also send your comments to us by the following means:
By Post: Chairman, Cinderford Town AFC, Edge Hill Road, Cinderford, Glos, GL14 2HQ
By Email: stuart1.tait@openwork.uk.com
We look forward to hopefully meeting with you at the event.
Yours faithfully
Stuart Tait DipPFS
Cinderford Town AFC