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200 Club monthly draw - sign up today

200 Club monthly draw - sign up today

David Simpson16 Mar - 10:00

Join Today! Get involved in our 200 club and not only give yourself a chance of winning £300 but also help your local non league club

Plenty of time to get signed up and be in with a chance of winning one of 10 prizes.

Congratulations to all the winners last month and thank you to everyone that took part, your support for the Owls is much appreciated.

The draw for February had the following winners -
£300 - 164 - Tony Wood

£150 - 44 - Joel Mann

£50 - 15 - Jason Ledden
£50 - 109 - Dawn Butler
£50 - 137 - Tracey Brown

£25 - 150 - David Everatt
£25 - 80 - Derek Flynn
£25 - 48 - David Brown

Further reading