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Clifton FC Rules & Constitution

Clifton FC Rules & Constitution

Rules & Constitution:


Clifton Football Club & Clifton All Whites FC

(inc Clifton Boys & Girls Club)


245, Green Lane, Clifton. Nottingham. NG11 9AZ


3.The aim of the Club is to help and educate young people through their leisure time activities. So as to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capabilities so they grow to full maturity as individuals and as members of the Society. Also, so that their conditions of life may be improved.

3.1 The provision of facilities for the playing of football and other such sporting activities that the Committee of the Club may from time to time agree.

3.2 The provision and maintenance of related amenities.

3.3 The encouragement of Social interactivity between Members of the Club. The Promotion of interest in the game of football and refreshments for the benefit of its Members & to raise funds for the Club.


4. The Club shall be affiliated to the Nottinghamshire Football Association.

4.1 The Club shall conform to the laws of the game also bye laws & rules as to professionalism adopted by the Football Association from time to time and shall this shall be one of the primary concerns of every Member of the Club. The Club will also abide by the FA’s Child Protection Policies & Procedures, Codes of Conduct, Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policies as shall be in place from time to time.

5. The Club shall conform to any new ruling set by the National Association of Boys Clubs (NABC - CYP).

6. CLUB MEMBERSHIP: 6. Class A - Membership will consist of Playing & Non playing Members, Club Officials, NABC- CYP, Life & Honorary Members and any other who in the opinion of the Management Committee fall within this category.

6.1 Any person who wishes to become Member must apply on the Club Membership Application Form; the candidate must have their application 'seconded ' by a Member and must deliver it to the Club. Election to membership shall be at the sole discretion of the Club Committee. Membership shall become effective upon an applicant’s name being entered in the Membership Register.

6.2 All Team Managers/Coaches/Helpers, Committee Members, and Officials must be members of the Club and need to apply on the Club Membership Application Form . Players are deemed Members after completing a 'Signing on Form.

6.3 In the event of a member's resignation or expulsion, his or her name shall be removed from the Membership Register.

6.4 The Management Committee will agree all subscriptions & fees payable as appropriate to the interest of the Club.

6.5 The Management Committee shall have the power at it's discretion to ask for a Membership fee as and when they determine it necessary. The Annual fee shall be determined by the Committee and shall in doing so have the power if they deem it necessary to make special provisions for certain Members on the amount to be paid.

6.6 The Football Association shall be given access to the Membership Register on demand


7. The Committee shall keep upon the premises a register of the name & addresses of all Members. Every Member shall within 7 days give notice to the Club Secretary.

The name of those who cease to be Member will be removed from the register.

8. CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Members shall cease to be Members;

8. By non-payment of subscriptions. Any person whose Membership has ceased from this cause shall not again be nominated for Membership unless he/she previously pays all arrears due and such other additional fee or fine the Committee may at it's discretion determine.

8.1 Expulsion

8.2 Resignation

8.3 Death


All property and assets of the Club shall be vested in the Trustees, the National Association of Boys Clubs. The provisions of the Trustees Act 1925 shall apply to anyone appointed as a Trustee within the Club to act for the NABC. Trustees will only be appointed from Class A Membership.


The Executive Committee shall consist of the Club President who will act as Chairman also the Club Chairman & General Secretary of the Management Committee plus two officials from the NABC. The Club President shall be elected at the AGM and remain so until resignation or replaced by a resolution passed by two thirds the majority at any AGM. He/She will only have the

powers if a casting vote is required at an Executive Meeting. The Executive Committee have absolute veto of any decision made by the Management Committee and will meet only as and when necessary.


11. The activities of the Club shall be controlled by the Management Committee, this will comprise of not less than nine people elected annually. The Management Committee will comprise of an Honorable President (ex officio), Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and five other Members.

11.1 All posts will be filled by election annually at the AGM. All applications for nominees for an appointment to the Committee must be received not less than 14 days before the AGM and must be submitted in writing to the General Secretary.

11.2 The Management Committee may also appoint Co-opted Committee Members,

number - unlimited.

11.3 The duties of the Management Committee shall be to devise method or achieve the object of the Club and to excise a general oversight of it's activities. Also to see that the Club is conducted in conformation with the principles and aims of the NABC and Football Association.

11.4 Any Member of the Club Committee may call a meeting of the Club Committee by giving not less than seven days’ notice to all members of the Club Committee

11.5 The Club Committee shall hold not less than four meetings a year.

A quorum of five is required to conduct Committee business.

11.6 The Management Committee has the power to officially nominate persons to serve on an advisory panel. These would be persons whom could offer special service without necessarily having to make a full commitment on a regular basis to the Club. Advisors would be able to attend open meetings if the Management Committee agrees.

11 .7 Any persons who shall cease Membership of the Club by any reason shall vacate their seat. Any vacancy so occurring or cause to oocur shall be filled by the Committee or in such a manner as the Committee may decide. The Senior Members of the Committee ( which shall mean all those Committee persons elected before the date of the election) shall retire at the election held after the Ordinary General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election. Any Members elected to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired period which his predecessor was elected.

11.8 The Committee or any Member of thereof may be removed by the vote of two thirds of the Members present at a Special Meeting called for that purpose.

In the event of removal or the resignation of the whole or the majority of the Committee the General Secretary shall obtain nominations and appoint scrutineers and arrange for holding a ballot

11.9 The Committee shall have power to make such Bye-laws as it may consider necessary for the good government and order of the Club, provided that no such Bye-laws shall conflict with any of the Rules. A copy of all such Bye-laws shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the Clubhouse.

11.10 In the event of any current Committee Member submitting their resignation at any point during the year, all Committee Members are informed immediately either by, email, text or via a phone call and a response requested from all Members.


No single Officer or Committee Member of the Management Committee by virtue of his appointment has the power to order goods or dispose of Club funds unless directed to via the Committee.


That the provisions of the Trustees Act 1925 shall supply to any appointment of Trustees. All the property of the Club shall be vested in the Trustees representing and acting for the whole of the Members of the Club. No personal liability shall attach to any Trustee except to the extent of such funds of the Club as may be actually received by them.


14 An AGM shall be held in June each year to:

(i ) receive a report of the activities of the Club over the previous year;

(ii) receive a report of the Club’s finances over the previous year;

(iii) elect the members of the Club Committee and

(iv) consider any other business.

14.1 At least 14 days notice and copy of the agenda shall be posted in the Club.

14.2 All applicants for nominees for an appointment to the Committee must be received not less than 14 days before the AGM and to be submitted in writing to the General Secretary.

14.3 Notice of any resolution to be proposed at the AGM shall be given in writing to the Club Secretary not less than 7 days before the meeting and shall be added to the agenda posted.

14.4 Each Member shall have one vote on each motion. Voting may be by show of hands or a ballot.

14.5 The Auditor shall be entitled to attend any General Meeting of the Club and to receive all notices of and other communications relating to any General Meeting. They are entitled to be heard at any meeting he/she attends on any part of the meeting which concerns he/she as the Auditor.

15. A Special Meeting may be called at any time by the Club Committee and shall be called on receipt by the Club Secretary of a requisition in writing, signed by not less than five Members stating the purposes for which the Meeting is required and the resolutions proposed.

15.1 Such meeting shall be held within not less than 14 days and not more than 28 days from the date of the receipt by the Secretary of the requisition.

15.2 Notice of any Special Meeting shall be posted 14 days before the Meeting takes place.

15.3. No business other than that named in the notice shall be brought before a Special Meeting.

15.4 Business at an Special Meeting may be any business that may be transacted at an AGM.

15.5 The quorum for a General Meeting shall be nine ( 9 ).

15.6 The Chairperson or in their absence a Member selected by the Club Committee, shall take the Chair.

15.7 Each Member present shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority.

15.8 In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.

15.9 Decisions of the Club Committee of meetings shall be entered into the Minute Book of the


16. Any General Meeting duly constituted may adjourn to such time as the Members present direct and may continue any such adjournment meeting which could not have been transacted at the original meeting.


17. The Election of Officers and Members of the Committee shall be as set out in the Rules.

No Member under suspension at the date of the AGM shall be eligible for nomination.

All Members are eligible to vote and shall have one vote to each vacancy.

17.1 TIE: As regards each position for candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be duly elected. In the event of two or more candidates for the position receiving the same number of votes the same will be written on a separate piece of paper which shall be placed so that the name and addresses are concealed.

The Chairperson or in their absence some person appointed shall draw one slip and the Member where name is so drawn shall be declared duly elected.

17.2 SCRUTINY: The Scrutineers shall at the conciliation of the ballot; seal up the ballot papers and hand them to the Secretary who shall retain them for 28 days. A scrutiny shall take place if written demand be presented to the Secretary within 1 day from the close of the ballot, signed by not less than one tenth of the Members and the scrutiny shall be carried out by three fresh scrutineers, to be named by the Committee and their decision shall be final.


No person shall at anytime be entitled to receive at the expense of the Club or any Member thereof, any payment on or with the reference to purchase of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the Club Members or guest apart from any benefit which a person derives indirectly by reason of the supply giving rise to or contributing to a general gain from carrying the Club.


17 A bank account shall be opened and maintained in the name of the Club (Clifton FC)

17.1 Designated account signatories shall be the Club Chairperson, the Club Secretary

and the Treasurer and one other nominated person.

17.2 No sum shall be drawn from the Club Account except by cheque signed by two of the four designated signatories.

17.3 All monies payable to the Club shall be received by the Treasurer and deposited in the Club Account.

17.4 The Club Property shall be applied only in furtherance of the objects of the Club. The distribution of profits or proceeds arising from the sale of Club Property to members is prohibited.

17.5 All monies received on account of the Club from any source shall in no case be distributed among Members at any level but shall be applied towards carrying out the objects of the Club or shall be invested in such a way that may include Security, Purchase of Land or Property or on any investment that the Club must comply by Law.

17.6 The Accounts will be inspected annually with certified accounts presented to the AGM to be held in June.

17.7 The Club’s financial year will run from 1st April each year.

17.8 All monies resulting from donations or fund raising carried out under the name of CFC /CAW shall become the property of the Club and be used in the furtherance of the Club as deemed by the Management Committee.


The clubhouse shall be open on such hours as the Committee shall from time to time determine but the Committee may close for such time as they may deem necessary.


The permitted hours shall be as such as may from time to time be determined by the Management Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Licensing Act and as notified to the Magistrates Court.

The hours to supply shall be ;

Monday to Saturday 10:30 to 23.59

Sunday & Good Friday 12:00 to 22:30

Christmas Day 12:00 to 15:00 / 19:00 to 22:30

All Functions must be within the times shown.


The club will operate a complaints procedure which ALL Members & visitors shall be expected to follow. The Committee will review this procedure as necessary.


If at any General Meeting a Resolution for the dissolution of the Club shall be passed by a majority of the Members present thereat. Then after payment of the liabilities of the Club there shall remain any property whatsoever, all assets will be transferred to the

National Association of Boys Clubs. Such procedure shall not be instituted without consent of the Management Committee of Clifton Football Club.

Amended 29.09.2014 Official Website

An F.A. Charter Standard Club

c/o 227 Green Lane, Clifton, Nottingham NG11