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A great day celebrating a club stalwart and his services to Rugby and the Community

A great day celebrating a club stalwart and his services to Rugby and the Community

Barry Cook13 Jan - 20:31
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What a day at Consett today. The Club held a special event to honour one of our fantastic members for all his service, not only to the Club, but the youngsters of the Consett Community over many years.

Roy Tyerman was presented with DCC Chairman’s Medal by Councillor Joan Nicholson, Chairperson of Durham County Council. Following a pre-match meal and speeches Councillor Nicholson presented Roy with the Durham County Council Chairmans medal which was rousingly supported by the large reception. There were also 3 home games against our local friends from Durham City. The women kicked off first, prior to the meal, then it was the turn of both the men’s teams.

Prior to the 1st XV game starting, the Consett and City teams were introduced to Roy and Councillor Nicholson. As usual George Ledger was there to record all the action and the photos of each album can be found by clicking on the following links:
Men’s 1st Team
Men’s 2nd Team

A great day for the Club in their centenary year and a great day for a club stalwart and the players from all three games.

As usual all photos can be obtained from George by clicking here.

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