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Subs Now Due

Subs Now Due

Kevin West27 Aug 2019 - 21:00

A little reminder on how you can renew your subs for season 2019/20

It’s that time of year again folks when the nights are starting to draw in, the floodlights are coming on and your annual subscriptions are due!

The preferred payment method is a lump sum sent straight to the bank account. If you have any issues doing so or paying in one go please speak to our membership secretary Mark Flynn.

The onus is on you to pay up and complete the membership form. So please don’t have us chasing you at the end of September!!

As agreed at the AGM all subs have seen a small uplift of £6 this year. Please make sure you are paying the right amount!!

Please see the attached form for the subs this year... print, complete and return to Mark Flynn.


Club Membership Form 2019-20

Further reading