Welcome to Daggers Netball Club and a new season of netball.
Hopefully you are ready for action. The aim of our club is to have fun, make good friends and socialise, with quality coaching and chances for all to experience competitive play within local leagues and tournaments.
New members are very welcome to our club.
We do not have a selection entry as our members are always improving and our philosophy is sports for all.
We welcome players who are looking to play socially and also players who take their netball seriously and want to improve their game, as well as enjoying it.
It is important that members return their completed Registration Form promptly and that they inform the club if they are unable to attend training sessions.
The completion of the Registration Form complies with and is an endorsement of the Duty of Care Guidelines and Code of Conduct Policies, as laid down by England Netball, which have been adopted by the club for its members.
All details on the Registration Form are confidential and will not be used for any other purpose other than that of Daggers NC.
New members wishing to join the club need to contact the Secretary to obtain a Registration Form.