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Players Dinner Awards

Players Dinner Awards

Pippa Bell15 Apr 2013 - 09:51
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Ladies celebrate the best game of the season so far at the Players Dinner.

With two games still left in to play this season, the ladies team demonstrated on Saturday the type of rugby they should have been playing all season, with a huge team performance and 100% commitment and effort from every player on the pitch to beat Altringham 20-15.

Was this performance down to the amount of fake tan and fake eyelashes on the field and the excitement to put on those high heels and fancy dresses?? Like the cast from a Comic Book Film did the team turned into their alter ego's a few hours early....!!

The player awards for this season where awarded to:

Most Improved: Sophie
Players Player: TK
Coach's Player: Katie
Tommy's Award: Debs

The clubs most prestigious award 'clubman of the year' was for the first time in the clubs history awarded to the ladies engine room and captain Ali Bell. A well-deserved award for Ali and much appreciated recognition for the work Ali does for the club with her been awarded this honour from all the ladies team.

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