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U9's v Billingham and Acklam @ Billingham

U9's v Billingham and Acklam @ Billingham

Grant Hopkins12 Oct 2014 - 18:29
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Boys still at 100%

This week saw the team head out to Billingham RUFC for a round robin set of friendly matches against Billingham’s A and B sides as well as Acklam RUFC. Blessed with a warm sunny autumn morning the boys from all clubs treated their coach’s and spectators to splendid Rugby. Darlington excelled in their first game of the morning against Billingham B. Quick movement and solid tackling a feature of both halves. A short break and team talk and it was back out onto the pitch for the boys second round against Billingham A where the Darlington boys met a tougher set of opponents and were required to draw upon their strength and depth - qualities that are starting to define them as a team. The game was filled with standout moments from all of the boys on both sides, particularly in the second half, as the strong Billingham A team surged forwards only to be met with resilience and counter attack rugby from the Darlington side. The morning concluded with a fine game of Rugby against Acklam RUFC U’9s the other visitors on the day. Despite the efforts and exertions of the two previous rounds and some tired legs the Darlington lads found opportunity to again display fast and flowing attacking rugby and closed out a very fine Sunday mornings play. Thanks go to Billingham RUFC our hosts. The Darlington U 9’s travelling side was Thomas Carter, Harvey Fenwick, William Hopkins, Daniel Leach, Oliver McMain, Daniel Newell, Jack Pilling, William Shield,Thomas Snaith, Zak Whatall. Thanks to Ian Newell for the report!
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