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stephen parrott18 Sep 2022 - 09:51
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Tough day at the office

The card machine is working.

De La Salle 18 Eccles 38

The only positive from this weekend is the new credit card reader is now working, This means players who decide to pay subs can do so with their credit card.
In truth Eccles taught Della a lesson in how a team with passion and who train together will always beat a team with little passion and appear as though they are strangers on the field. Eccles backs were the main difference looking dangerous when they were given the ball and showing plenty of pace. Try as they might salle just weren't at the races. Coach McCormick led from the front and tried to Inspire the team but in truth Eccles defence proved a hard nut to crack. without Morris at fullback the score could have been even more by pulling of a couple of latch ditch try saving tackles. some good news though Griff’s Bruise is getting better.
Eccles were well worth their win and congratulations to them let’s hope in the return fixture Della are more like their old selves .

Once again any similarities to actual people , institutions and places are Purley intentional.

The story so far...

Total fictitious Football club Warrow FC are trying to overrun Sodfords Premier sports and social club 'Hell a Cell' Scene two opens with Dr Evil on the phone to the Land registry. " That's correct" continued Dr Evil "by our reckoning the local residents have stolen over 12 Square acres of land along the perimeter of the club if you could get the Drone to fly over and confirm we can submit our planning permission for our new stand once we've seized the land back."
Mr Nasty butted in " If those fools along Norite Rd only realised if they'd all stolen the same amount of land no one would have noticed " Dr Evil looked thoughtful and said " did you know norite is an anagram of orient " Dr Evil continued “ Once we claim that stolen land back we’ll get loads more cars around the field that’ll get the Rugby section rattled . Have we had an answer back of the British touring car championship committee yet?” He asked Mr Nasty .

“Yes this morning, They’ve agreed we can hold the northern qualifying heats around the perimeter of the field now everyone’s got used to us parking there it’ll go virtually unnoticed” Said Mr Nasty.

Mean while Paul Worthless sat in the bar put down his Man utd 80s sticker album, finished off his prayer to Paul Scholes and unfurled his Glazers out banner and said " Fuck em "
Wob Ratson opend the bar door for club icon Meat Passey who sauntered in and glared at Wob for standing on his Cape. wob bowed his head submissively and apologised.
"How was the pride march " Paul asked Wob.
"My two lads loved it" Wob said " it's given them a bit of encouragement, ilam ( anagram of Liam ) has just nipped home to stick a few more posters of Meat Passey up on his wall"As ilam skipped passed the window.
Meat Passey sat on his throne and just smiled.
Paul continued " Right we know Warrow FC have got an insider we just need to figure out who it is"
Meat noticed something and said " is that a Warrow FC top you've got on under that coat Wob?"
" Er er no" Wob replied zipping up his coat.
Meat persisted " How many holidays have you been on this year Wob?"
Wob said almost inaudible "8 or 9 why do you ask"
"Oh no reason" Meat replied.
"What's than unearthly smell " Wob said as Eric the grunt stumbled into the bar.
Eric dragged his rotten carcass towards the legends table and spoke to Meat Passey. " That Warrow FC have gone to far now they really have" Meat Passey removed his crown and said " Who gave you permission to speak?"
Eric apologised and continued. " Their using the birthing pool as an hot tub the filters a right mess now"
Wob turned around and checked his Warrow FC socks weren't showing and picked up the wad of 50 pound notes he just dropped and said " I told them it was OK their a good bunch really "
Meat passey looked at Wob and asked " is that new tottoo sore Wob and isn't that the Warrow FC crest "
Paul Worthless stopped singing Albania Albania , took his United scarf off, got to his feet and said
"Eric your dialysis machines on my foot"
Just then A heavenly glow of pure white brilliant light filled the room as Bald Berry the club saviour jumped off his crucifix and gestured for everyone to be seated. Bald Berry continued " is my statue finished yet "

Meanwhile in Dr Evils office Mr Nasty opened the door and beckoned the figure outside to come in .

Dr Evil continued “Ahh glad you made it this is the person I’ve been talking about Mr Nasty say hello to my good friend Ennis Duncecnnon he’s here with some information”

To be continued ….

Further reading