Club Policy

Discrimination Policy

Cannons Wood Football Club is responsible for setting standards and values to apply throughout the club at every level. Football belongs to and should be enjoyed by everyone, equally. Our commitment is to confront and eliminate discrimination whether by reason of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.

Equality of opportunity at Cannons Wood Football Club means that in all our activities we will not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability.

This includes:
• The advertisement for volunteers.
• The selection of candidates for volunteers.
• Courses.
• External coaching and education activities and awards.
• Football development activities.
• Selection for teams.
• Appointments to honorary positions.

Cannons Wood Football Club will not tolerate sexual or racially based
harassment or other discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal, and will work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it occurs.

Cannons Wood Football Club is committed to the development of the programme of ongoing training and awareness raising events and activities, in order to promote the eradication of discrimination within its own organisation, and within football as a whole.

Equal Opportunities Policy
Cannons Wood Football Club is committed to a policy of equal treatment of all members and requires all members of whatever level or authority, to abide and adhere to this general principle and the requirements of the Codes of Practice issued by the Equal Opportunities Commission and Commission for Racial Equality.

All members are expected to abide by the requirements of the Race Relations Act 1976, Sex Discrimination Act 1986 and Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Specifically discrimination is prohibited by:
• Treating any individual on grounds of gender, colour, marital status, race, nationality or ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability less favourably than others.
• Expecting an individual solely on the grounds stated above to comply with requirement(s) for any reason whatsoever related to their membership, which are different from the requirements for others.
• Imposing on an individual requirements which are in effect more onerous on that individual than they are on others. For example, this would include applying a condition which makes it more difficult for members of a particular race or sex to comply than others not of that race or sex.
• Victimisation of an individual.
• Harassment of an individual, by virtue of discrimination.
• Any other act or omission of an act, which has as its effect the disadvantaging of a member against another, or others, purely on the above grounds. Thus, in all the club's recruitment, selection, promotion and training processes, as well as disciplinary matters, it is essential that merit, experience, skills and temperament are considered as objectively as possible.
• Cannons Wood Football Club commits itself to the immediate investigation of any claims of discrimination on the above grounds and where such is found to be the case, a requirement that the practice cease forthwith, restitution of damage or loss (if necessary) and to the investigation of any member accused of discrimination.
• Any member found guilty of discrimination will be instructed to desist forthwith. Since discrimination in its many forms is against the Football Club's policy, any members offending will be dealt with under the disciplinary procedure.
• Cannons Wood Football Club commits itself to the disabled person whenever possible and will treat such members, in aspects of their recruitment and membership, in exactly the same manner as other members. The difficulties of their disablement permitting assistance will be given, wherever possible to ensure that disabled members are helped in gaining access. Appropriate training will be made to such members who request it.

Goalpost Safety Guidelines
The Football Association, along with the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the Health and Safety Executive and the British Standards Institution, would like to draw your attention to the following guidelines for the safe use of goalposts. Too many serious injuries and fatalities have occurred in recent years as a result of unsafe or incorrect use of goalposts. Safety is always of paramount importance and everyone in football must play their part to prevent similar incidents occurring in the future.

1. For safety reasons goalposts of any size (including those which are portable and not installed permanently at a pitch or practice field) must always be anchored securely to the ground.
• Portable goalposts must be secured by the use of chain anchors or appropriate anchor weights to prevent them from toppling forward.
• It is essential that under no circumstances should children or adults be allowed to climb, swing on or play with the structures of the goalposts.
• Particular attention is drawn to the fact that if not properly assembled and secured, portable goalposts may topple over.
• Regular inspections of goalposts should be carried out to check that they are kept properly maintained.
• Portable goalposts should not be left in place after use. They should be dismantled and removed to a place of secure storage.

2. It is strongly recommended that nets should only be secured by plastic hooks or tape and not by metal cup hooks. Any metal cup hooks should be removed and replaced. New goalposts should not be purchased if they include metal cup hooks which cannot be replaced.

3. Goalposts which are "home made" or which have been altered from their original size or construction should not be used. These have been the cause of a number of deaths and injuries.

4. Guidelines to prevent toppling:

i. Follow Manufacturer's guidelines in assembling goalposts.
ii. Before use, adults should:

• Ensure each goal is anchored securely in its place
• Exert a significant downward force on the crossbar
• Exert a significant backward force on both upright posts
• Exert a significant forward force on both upright posts

These must be repeated until it is established that the structure is secure. If not, alternative goals/pitches must be used.

For reference, you should note that The F.A. and BSI have developed a standard for future purchases (PAS 36:2000), available from BSI. It is hoped this will be developed into a full British Standard in due course.