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Dulwich Hamlet New Stadium – Support the Application

Dulwich Hamlet New Stadium – Support the Application

Paula Griffin11 May 2016 - 15:51

Make your voice heard on proposed Dulwich Hamlet/Champion Hill redevelopment - planning application open for comments. Downloadable document attached.

Dulwich Hamlet are urging as many people, whether Dulwich Hamlet fans or not, to do their bit and show the strength of feeling behind this proposal for the Champion Hill redevelopment to help the project get planning permission to go ahead.

The proposed Champion Hill project will provide a 4000 capacity stadium for Dulwich Hamlet Football Club along with a permanent base for the ASPIRE Academy, a centre of excellence for sport, education and personal development in the heart of our East Dulwich community.

Dulwich Hamlet also wish to remind supporters of the development’s aims and objectives:

  • provide a boost to the local East Dulwich economy
  • revitalise a neglected area and open it up to more local people to enjoy
  • coach, develop and educate young people
  • extend award-winning community schemes
  • secure a sustainable future for Dulwich Hamlet Football Club.

With the planning application now submitted to Southwark Council, the support of all Dulwich Hamlet fans is vital, you can have your say and support the application by responding directly to the Council, in one of three ways:

This best and most transparent way is by commenting on Southwark Council’s website under the ‘Comments’ tab. Click here to be taken to the Southwark Council Planning Applications page.

Writing to the Planning Case Officer: Amy Lester, Planning Department, London Borough of Southwark, PO Box 64529, London SE1P 5LX. A downloadable proforma document is attached which you can print off and send to the Planning Department at Southwark Council.

To save the cost of a stamp there is a FREEPOST address by which you can send letters to the project team who will deliver them to the council

Unit 4, The Leathermarket
Weston Street


You just need to reference the Planning Application Number: 16/AP/1232.

You can also e-mail the Club’s ward councillors Peter John (, Sarah King ( and Octavia Lamb ( to let them know that you support the development.

If you live in Southwark, you can also e-mail your own councillor.