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Aron Hicklin27 Nov 2018 - 14:20
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7 Goals in Saturdays game

So, after picking a win up at home against bottom of the league last week, we travelled to Ellistown - home of Anstey town who sit one position further up the table.

We had a couple of last minute drop outs from the squad but still had a solid 14 lads.
Chairman Pete Dunn was letting everyone know that he used to be apart of the Ellistown set-up and even a few old faces were still involved helping run the 'tuck-shop' which was nice to see as they embraced him upon his return.

We knew that although we were favourites to pick up the 3pts, Anstey were not going to give them to us.
Straight from kick off the Albion lads ad their stall set out that we were going to win this game in a way that we have all been working hard to achieve. We were going to pass the ball around in the right areas and pass forward through the lines as soon as the opportunity presented itself. And from the off this was working beautifully.
Without boring you with all the little details, the lads were in the mood today! they were ruthless in every aspect of the game and would not let Anstey up for air. We pressed high, tackled hard and attacked with force. It took approx 30mins to break the deadlock but it was from a corner that we prevailed. A deep curling corner sat under the bar for skipper Crowfoot to meet it full on with a firm header into the back of the net, and anyone else that tried to prevent this outcome also ended n the net too!
A second quickly followed after a defensive mess up found Tom Watson being brought down in the area and Jake Norman smashed the resulting penalty into the bottom corner.
Anstey heads dropped but one incident of poor communication gave them the opportunity from the spot, as keeper Stretton collided with a forward, they were awarded a penalty. MISSED as it cracked off the crossbar. Any thought of them making a comeback were finally squashed when more good wide play found a ball being squared to debutante Danny Pickering to slot in his first and the Albions third before half time.

0-3 HT.

The second half followed in the same manner with the green army playing some really nice stuff. Jake Norman and Tom Haines were running the show from midfield and everyone around them were just reaping the rewards of their hard work. Wide men getting into 1v1 situations, forwards getting great service and the defence were un-penetrable.
3 became 4, 5, 6 & finally 7-0 as Danny Pickering grabbed himself a hat-trick on his debut, Ian Mckay came off the bench to score on his return to the club after a brief spell away, and the orchestrator of the day Tom Haines got in on the action too.

0-7 FT

It was a great day for the Albion lads and proof that the hard work they have been putting in as individuals and as a squad really have started to pay off.

Further reading