In its Constitution, Eaton Socon Cricket Club has committed itself to adopting and implementing the ECB's Safe Hands
- Welfare of Young People in Cricket Policy. One copy is held by our appointed Club Welfare Officer, Andy Newman,
and another can be found on the club's notice board.
This important document forms the basis of the club's Child Protection and Cricket Development Policy. It incorporates the
main aims of:
Improving the conditions in which children and young people play cricket
Developing an extensive club and schools network, reaching out to more children and young people in the locality
Offering support to our coaches, volunteers, officials and administrators with courses, Criminal Record Bureau checks.
Developing a comprehensive training and education programme, allowing a sensitive response to all welfare concerns.
The club will respond quickly and appropriately to any allegations of abuse, using the ECB "Child Welfare and Protection" Complaints and Discipline Procedure.
Our Club Welfare Officer is responsible for child protection and safety and is the main contact for parents/carers, children and outside agencies.
If you have any concerns regarding abuse,bullying or harrassment, please speak to him.
Providing Code of Conduct for Cricket Club Members & Guests and a Set of Rules for Young People.
Developing a reliable Recruitment and Reference Policy for all new Volunteers Providing parents/carers with the Consent Forms, giving guidance concerning Medical Information, Transportation,Safety, Club Changing Policy and Permission for the Use of Photographs and Recorded Images.
Ensuring that all members are treated with fairness in accordance with the club's Equity Policy Statement and ECB Club Inclusion Diversity Policy Statement.
Reviewing the club's development on a yearly basis to ensure that the policy is being implemented effectively, providing Duty of Care and fulfilling the principles of Good Practice.
Our CWO will:
Act as the first point of contact for the reporting of Child Welfare and Protection concerns.
Help and safeguard young people by assisting in the promotion and implementation of the "Safe Hands" Policy.
Assist in raising awareness of others at the club in respect of Child Protection.
Be a source of advice and information within the club.
Uphold confidentiality, as far as is practical, in all Child Protection matters.
Become a club committee member.